Female     1 zimmer furnished apartment search. From April

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AGNES (, 29) is searching for a 1 Room Flat in Bonn (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: English

Request online: 3 days

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 09.03.2025
Districts: Auerberg, Bad Godesberg, Bechlinghoven, Beuel, Brüser Berg, Buschdorf, Dottendorf, Dransdorf, Duisdorf, Endenich, Friesdorf, Geislar, Graurheindorf, Gronau, Hardthöhe, Heiderhof, Holzlar, Ippendorf, Kessenich, Küdinghoven, Lannesdorf, Lengsdorf, Lessenich, Limperich, Medinghoven, Mehlem, Messdorf, Muffendorf, Niederholtorf, Oberkassel, Pennenfeld, Plittersdorf, Poppelsdorf, Pützchen, Ramersdorf, Röttgen, Rüngsdorf, Schwarzrheindorf, Schweinheim, Tannenbusch, Ückesdorf, Venusberg, Vilich, Vilich-Müldorf, Vilich-Rheindorf, Zentrum, Hoholz, Roleber, Südstadt, Nordstadt, Castell
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

My name is Agnes Mwatha, a 28 year old Kenyan female. A student at the
Hochschule Bonn Rhein Sieg studying Masters in Biomedical Science and
would really love to rent your place . I am very interested in your
shared apartment as depicted by the photos I have seen on the website.
I like the room space, lighting and the amenities offered. The
position and price of the apartment fits soo well within my budget. I
am a relaxed person whose hobbies include swimming, cycling and
reading. I enjoy meeting new people, knowing other cultures and having
a fun time. I am a tidy, quiet person who respects other people's
spaces I think we can live cordially together. Please get in contact
with me through email
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.


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