Looking for an apartment in Copenhagen - 1-Zimmer Wohnung in Kopenhagen gesucht

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: n.a.
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me


I'm looking for a small apartment or room in Copenhagen, preferably close to the faculty of social sciences.
I'm going to move to Copenhagen this autumn for taking my master's in economics at the Copenhagen University. Therefore, I'm looking for an apartment/room from August onwards (if possible long-term).

About me:
I'm a 22 year old German, currently interning in Namibia. I'm an open minded person and always curious to get to know other cultures. I'm happy to share more personal information with you once you contacted me.

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