Male    Long term Accomodation in Munich as a TUM student

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Rohit Subhash (, 24) is searching for a 1 Room Flat in München (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: English, German, Hindi, Tamil

Request online: 20 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.04.2025
Districts: Allach-Untermenzing, Altstadt-Lehel, Aubing-Lochhausen-Langwied, Au-Haidhausen, Berg am Laim, Bogenhausen, Feldmoching-Hasenbergl, Hadern, Ludwigsvorstadt-Isarvorstadt, Maxvorstadt, Milbertshofen-Am Hart, Moosach, Neuhausen-Nymphenburg, Obergiesing-Fasangarten, Pasing-Obermenzing, Ramersdorf-Perlach, Schwabing-Freimann, Schwabing-West, Schwanthalerhöhe, Sendling, Trudering-Riem, Untergiesing-Harlaching, Sendling-Westpark, Laim, Thalkirchen-Obersendling-Forstenried-Fürstenried-Solln
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, With a kitchen
Other details: Bathroom with window/s

More information about me

My name is Rohit from India. I am 24 years old, non-smoker and I am currently enrolled at the Technical University of Munich. I am looking for a flat from 01 April onwards.

I'm a relaxed yet outgoing person who likes to explore and engage myself in outdoor/indoor activities such as climbing, bouldering & gym. My friends would describe me as a humour loving, conversationalist and open to discuss about variety of topics.

This is my first visit to Germany hence I am in the process in looking for apartments, rooms and dormitories since my enrollment at the University. I would love to explore and know the culture in the region.

If you think that I could be a suitable candidate, I would be happy to get an appointment.
Feel free to contact me.


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