Female     Search 1-room apartment in Ms

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Felisha Rehbein (, 23) is searching for a 1 Room Flat in Münster (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: German

Request online: 3 days

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.04.2025
Districts: Aaseestadt, Albachten, Amelsbüren, Angelmodde, Berg Fidel, Centrum, Coerde, Geist, Gelmer, Gievenbeck, Gremmendorf, Hafen, Handorf, Hiltrup, Kinderhaus, Mauritz, Mecklenbeck, Nienberge, Roxel, Sentrup, Sprakel, Wienburg, Wolbeck, Gittrup, Sandrup, Sudmühle, Uhlenbrock, Wilbrenning, Gut Hemerten, Gut Sulz
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

My name is Felisha Rehbein. I'm 23 years old and looking for an apartment for me alone in Münster.
My environment describes me as ordinary and reliable people.
I live my whole life in Münster and would like to stay here.
I'm non-smoking and have no pets.

I urgently seek an apartment because I can only stay in the present apartment until June.

If someone came up with my ad, I'd be very happy.

Best regards
Felisha Rehbein

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