Looking for an apartment

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M. Haidar (, 32) is searching for a Flat in Wien (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: English English

Request online: 08.05.2024

Search criteria

Date wanted: 01.09.2024 until 01.09.2026
Number of rooms: 2 - 3
Districts: 01. Bezirk Innere Stadt, 02. Bezirk Leopoldstadt, 03. Bezirk Landstraße, 04. Bezirk Wieden, 05. Bezirk Margareten, 06. Bezirk Mariahilf, 07. Bezirk Neubau, 08. Bezirk Josefstadt, 09. Bezirk Alsergrund, 10. Bezirk Favoriten, 11. Bezirk Simmering, 12. Bezirk Meidling, 13. Bezirk Hietzing, 14. Bezirk Penzing, 15. Bezirk Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, 16. Bezirk Ottakring, 17. Bezirk Hernals, 18. Bezirk Währing, 19. Bezirk Döbling, 20. Bezirk Brigittenau, 21. Bezirk Floridsdorf, 22. Bezirk Donaustadt, 23. Bezirk Liesing
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, With a kitchen
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

My name is Mohammad, I am from Beirut and I work in Vienna since last year.
My current flat contract will end in semptember 01 2024 and I am looking for a larger apartment to move in and bring in my fiance.
I am looking for 2-3 room apartment with a reasonable price and of course with good infrasructure (heating/internet/etc..).
My work is in Mariahilfestrasse So I prefer a place with a quick route (maybe on U3) but otherwise it is not that big of a problem.
I keep my place clean and tidy, I dont smoke or do parties at home, but I have an e-piano that I will bring and play sometimes (it has headphones and the speaker volume can be lowered).

If you find me the right candidate for your apartment please contact me and Ill be happy to schedule a visit to see it.


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