Looking for a room/studio/flat in Amsterdam 🦊 hit me up any time

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Flatshare type/s: n.a.
Flatshare details: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: n.a.
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

hee everyone 🐤

I am looking for a room/flat in Amsterdam, preferably in a shared flat with lovely flatmates. If you have a studio to offer, I am interested as well! Or if you think we might be a good match for hunting for a flat together here, let me know!
I am just done with my masters in film studies, originally from Germany, and would like to built up my own little home here, long term. I will be working then. I am having a lot of experience with shared housing. I am a pleasant, flexible person to live with, creative, clean and communicative. If anyone here is interested, I would be very happy to receive your dm.

end of call,
alina 🦊


I cook: n.a.
Smoking is okay: n.a.
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Music: n.a.
Free time: n.a.

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