Female     Suche ein WG Zimmer (12.04.2025-14.06.2024)


Tina Shaishmelashvili (, 27) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Augsburg (I sometimes smoke on the balcony). I speak these language/s: German, English

Request online: 4 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: 12.04.2025 until 14.06.2025
Flatshare type/s: Non Communal, Female Only, Workers Only, Mixed Gender
Flatshare details: any number of people (any gender - from 20 to 35 years old)
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished
Other details: n.a.

Documents available

Proof of creditworthiness Proof of creditworthiness
Passport/ID Passport/ID
Proof of Income Proof of Income
Rent Payment Confirmation Rent Payment Confirmation
Tenant Self-disclosure Tenant Self-disclosure
Household contents insurance Household contents insurance
Liability insurance Liability insurance
Loss of rent insurance Loss of rent insurance

More information about me

Ich bin Tina, 27 Jahre alt und bin Assistenzärztin in der dermatologishen Bereich aus Tiflis, Georgien.
Von 12. April bis 14. Juni 2025 habe ich eine Hospitation in der Dermatologie am Universitätsklinikum Augsburg und suche nach WG-Zimmer.

Kurz zu mir:
- Ich bin ordentlich und lege Wert auf Sauberkeit.
- Sozial aktiv und offen für neue Leute.
- Kaffeeliebhaberin
- Sportlich aktiv.

schreib mir gerne!


I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke anywhere at the property
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: Gym, Running
Music: Elektro, House, Blues, HipHop, Classical, Soul, Techno
Free time: Travelling, Reading, Cinema


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