MaleSearching for a flatmate of male gender Close to Paul-Linke-Ufer, with Anmeldung, shortterm possible

Ad ID: 8168115


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • 21m² room in 2 person apartment share
  • Total size: 89m²
  • 2 person apartment share ( 1 Male )
  • Age: 34 to 34 years
  • Students Only, Male Only, Workers Only, Mixed Gender
  • Speaking these languages: English, Spanish, German, Polish

Searching for:

  • Male/s between 25 and 36 years old

Further details


Old building

4th floor



DSL, Flatrate, WLAN faster than 100 Mbit/s

Laminate, Polished floorboards

Gas heating

Many free parking lots

3 minutes by foot

Washing machine, Dish washer, Basement/Cellar, Bicycle storage





*check age and gender requirements*
**the room is furnished and will stay this way**
*** A roof extension is being carried out on the house and there is scaffolding at the front and back of the house. The rent includes a rent reduction for the period to December. ***

Important to know:

1. Anmeldung is possible
2. Feel free to write copy paste me your text
3. Answer shortly to the Questions
4. Please send a picture of you

Everyone has the right to be who they want to be. In order not to limit ourselves, I would like to know who you are and whether it will work out living together. So to get a feeling and to learn something about you, answer them honestly ;)

0. How old are you?
1. Where are you from?
2. Where do you live now?
3. What do you do for living?
4. What time do you work? (If) How many Days you plan to work in home Office?
5. Are you more introverted or extrovert?
6. Are you more clumsy or tidy?
7. How are your cleaning habits/How where your cleaning experience in WGs?
8. What do you like to cook or eat?
9. What do you do in your free time/ after work?
10. Do you smoke? Weed? What about drugs?
11. What is your favourite music genre?
12. What do you expect from your roommate?
13. For how long would you like to live here?
14. Do you have experience with room plants?

Es wird möbliert vermietet, wie auf den Bildern zusehen.

Bettdecke, Kopfkissen (nur ein kleines), Bettwäsche, Handtücher sind vorhanden.

Zur der Wohnung:
- Das Badezimmer ist quadratisch, praktisch, klein, ohne Fenster, mit Dusche.
- Die Küche ist voll ausgestattet. Geschirrspüler, Waschmaschine, Gasherd, E-Ofen, sowie viel Geräte zum Zubereiten von Speisen.
- In Wohnzimmer steht eine Wohnlandschaft die durch einen Fernseher ergänzt wird. Ein großer Esstisch bietet platz zum Essen und Arbeiten.

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