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On March 15, a small room will be available in our spacious WG in the Hecht.
Our WG has spacious common areas, which we inhabit with 7 people. Even if the room with 8sqm really does not have much space, there is possible storage space in the storage room, the basement compartment or the hall.
Our kitchen is very large and cozy and a popular place to come together for food and chat.
We have two bathrooms and a total of three toilets. We can hang our laundry in the attic.
With the start-up date, we're a little flexible. So if you can only move in from 01 / 04, this is also possible:)
Photos of the room still have to be taken and follow!
On March 15th, a small room will be available in our cozy WG in the Hecht Quarter.
We are 6 people sharing a rare big flat, and we are now searching for a new flat mate. Even if the room, with its 8sqm, does not offer much space, there will be multiple options to storage your stage (storage room, base composition and the hallway).
Our kitchen is very large and cozy and a popular place to get together for eating and chatting.
We have two bathrooms and a total of three toilets. We always hang our budget in the Attic.
We're very flexible with the moving -in date, so there would not be a problem if you plan to move on the 01.04.:)
Photos of the room still have to be taken and we will upload them soon!
English below
Hey! :)
Zum 15. März wird in unserer geräumigen WG im Hecht ein kleines Zimmer frei.
Unsere WG verfügt über großzügige Gemeinschaftsflächen, die wir mit 7 Menschen bewohnen. Auch wenn das Zimmer mit 8qm wirklich nicht viel Platz bietet, gibt es möglichen Stauraum in der Abstellkammer, dem Kellerabteil oder dem Flur.
Unsere Küche ist sehr groß und gemütlich und ein beliebter Ort um zum Essen und Quatschen zusammenzukommen.
Wir haben zwei Bäder und insgesamt drei Toiletten. Unsere Wäsche können wir auf dem Dachboden aufhängen.
Mit dem Einzugsdatum sind wir ein bisschen flexibel. Wenn du also erst ab dem 01.04. einziehen kannst, ist das auch möglich :)
Fotos vom Zimmer müssen noch gemacht werden und folgen!
Hey! :)
On March 15th, a small room will be available in our cozy WG in the Hecht Quarter.
We are 6 people sharing a quite big flat, and we are now searching for a new flatmate. Even if the room, with its 8sqm, does not offer much space, there will be multiple options to storage your stuff (storage room, basement compartment and the hallway).
Our kitchen is very large and cozy and a popular place to get together for eating and chatting.
We have two bathrooms and a total of three toilets. We usually hang our laundry in the attic.
We’re quite flexible with the moving-in date, so there wouldn’t be a problem if you plan to move on the 01.04. :)
Photos of the room still have to be taken and we will upload them soon!
The apartment is located in the beautiful Hecht- district.
2 minutes walk to the next S-Bahn, tram, supermarket,...
The Neustadt is walking about 5 minutes away, but there is also a lot in the pike!
Here you find pretty much everything your heart desires and yet our street is very quiet at night:)
In addition, we have a green courtyard, and although it is a few floors away, we are not allowed to stop there sometimes for breakfast, to learn to enter or read a small yoga session.
We live in the nice Hecht Quarter:) You'll be about 2 minutes away from the next S-Bahn and tram stations, and supermarkets; 10min. away from the forest, and 20 min. by walk from Dresden Neustadt train station.
The New Town Area is about 5 min. by walk, but there is already enough going on here in Hecht! Here, you'll find pretty much everything you need, and at the same time our street is very quiet at night:)
We share a green courtyard with our neighbours. Although it is still a few flowers away, we do some times get break there, as well as learning, reading or even having a workout session;)
Die Wohnung liegt im schönen Hecht-Viertel.
ca. 2 Minuten läufst du zur nächsten S-Bahn, Straßenbahn, Supermarkt,…
Die Neustadt ist Fußläufig ca. 5 Minuten entfernt, aber auch im Hecht geht viel!
Hier findest du so ziemlich alles was dein Herz begehrt und trotzdem ist unsere Straße nachts sehr ruhig :)
Außerdem haben wir einen grünen Innenhof, und obwohl er doch einige Stockwerke entfernt ist, lassen wir uns nicht davon abhalten dort manchmal zu Frühstücke, zu lernen, eine kleine Yoga Session einzulegen oder zu lesen.
We live in the nice Hecht Quarter :) You’ll be about 2 minutes away from the nearest S-Bahn and tram stations, and supermarkets; 10min. away from the forest, and 20 min. by walk from Dresden Neustadt train station.
The Neustadt-Area is about 5 min. by walk, but there is already enough going on here in Hecht! Here, you’ll find pretty much everything you need, and at the same time our street is very quiet at night :)
We share a green courtyard with our neighbours. Although it is still a few floors away, we do sometimes get breakfast there, as well as learning, reading or even having a workout session ;)
Our WG has spacious common areas, which we inhabit with 7 people. We have a common relationship, we share more, we have less everyday life, but we find it very nice to get along with each other and not to live by one another, we have a common food box and we like to cook together or for each other.
We share almost all food (except your favorite chocolate:) and when cooked, usually also for all. Our shared food is vegan (vegetarian food buy a few of us in addition). It is usually cooked with vegan and at least vegetarian (then with vegan option).
Our age average is around the 30th. Some of us are paid, others are studying. In various contexts, we are dealing, for example, with Queerfeminist issues, anti / de-colonial perspectives, climate crisis and health policy and a left, solidarity-based attitude is important to us.
We speak mainly English and German. We usually deal with organisational and other issues in the event of an excited kitchen conversation, but we also try to make a regular WG plenary session. Everything just grooved in, as we haven't lived together for so long in our current constellation. This also opens up new proposals and ideas:)
If you're interested, we're looking forward to hearing from you. You like to report and write a few words about you and how you imagine a good life together.
We are happy to hear from you!:)
Our flat is nice big and we share it with 7 people in total.
We like to share about our every day life, some less and some more. We enjoy getting along in the WG, if we have time and capacity to do it.
We have a common food fund, and we like to cook together or for each other.
We share most of all our groceries (except for your favorite chocolate:)), which are vegan by default, but we also buy and cook vegetarian dishes (on ppl own costs). We try to cook enough so anybody can get something from it, but don't work, we know that's not possible all the time!
Our average age is around 30. Some of us work, other study. We are involved in different contexts and in different terms with topics like queer-feminism, anti- / de- colonial perspective, climate crisis and health policy. A left-wing solidarity setting is important to us.
Most speak languages between us are English and German. We have managed to organize most WG stage during exciting kitchen conversation, but we still try to have our monthly WG plenary to give pro space to certain topics.
Our WG constellation exists since October 2024, and we're encountering this process of learning (from) each other and get stage done together. This give us the chance to keep being open to new ideas and suggestions:)
If you are interested, feel free to write us something about yourself and how you imagine living with us. We're looking forward to hear from you!:)
Unsere WG verfügt über großzügige Gemeinschaftsflächen, die wir mit 7 Menschen bewohnen. Wir haben ein gemeinschaftliches Miteinander, teilen mal mehr, mal weniger Alltag, finden es aber sehr schön voneinander mitzubekommen und nicht aneinander vorbei zu leben, haben eine gemeinsame Essenskasse und kochen gerne zusammen oder füreinander.
Wir teilen so gut wie alle Lebensmittel (außer deine Lieblingsschokolade :) und wenn gekocht wird, dann meistens auch für alle. Unser geteiltes Essen ist vegan (vegetarische Lebensmittel kaufen ein paar von uns zusätzlich). Gekocht wird meist auch vegan und mindestens vegetarisch (dann meist mit veganer Option).
Unser Altersdurchschnitt ist um die 30. Manche von uns lohnarbeiten, andere studieren. In verschiedenen Zusammenhängen beschäftigen wir uns z.B. mit Queerfeministischen Themen, Anti/De-Kolonial Perspektiven, Klimakrise und Gesundheitspolitik und eine linke, solidarische Grundeinstellung ist uns wichtig.
Wir sprechen untereinander vor allem Englisch und Deutsch. Organisatorische und andere Anliegen regeln wir meist bei aufgeregten Küchengesprächen, aber wir versuchen auch einigermaßen regelmäßig, WG-Plenum zu machen. Alles grooved sich gerade noch ein, da wir noch gar nicht so lange in unserer aktuellen Konstellation zusammenleben. Dadurch besteht auch eine Offenheit für neue Vorschläge und Ideen :)
Falls du Interesse hast, freuen wir uns darauf, von dir zu hören. Melde dich gerne und schreib ein paar Worte über dich und darüber wie du dir ein gutes Zusammenleben vorstellst.
Wir freuen uns von dir zu hören! :)
Our flat is quite big and we share it with 7 people in total.
We like to share about our everyday life, sometimes less and sometimes more. We enjoy getting along in the WG, if we have time and capacity to do it.
We have a common food fund, and we like to cook together or for each other.
We share almost all our groceries (except for your favourite chocolate :)), which are vegan by default, but we also buy and cook vegetarian dishes (on ppl own costs). We try to cook enough so anybody can get something from it, but don’t worry, we know that’s not possible all the time!
Our average age is around 30. Some of us work, others study. We are engaged in different contexts and in different terms with topics like queer-feminism, anti-/de-colonial perspectives, climate crisis and health policy. A left-wing solidarity setting is important to us.
Most spoken languages between us are English and German. We have managed to organize most WG-stuff during exciting kitchen conversation, but we still try to have our monthly WG-Plenum to give proper space to certain topics.
Our WG-constellation exists since October 2024, and we’re enjoying this process of learning (from) each other and get stuff done together. This give us the chance to keep being open to new ideas and suggestions:)
If you are interested, feel free to write us something about yourself and how you imagine living with us. We’re looking forward to hear from you! :)
In March, a few of us are on our way. A WG tour is still possible:)
Unfortunately, we will probably not be able to answer everyone. We are so sorry, please feel appreciated! If we 2 weeks after you have written us not reported to you, then just take this as a cancellation. Thank you very much for your interest!
Unfortunately, a feed of us are off in March (oh, those students...!), but a WG tour is still possible:)
We are sorry in Advance, as it is hard to give an answer to everyone due to the volume of messages. So please, if we're not answering within 2 weeks after you texted us, take it as a "Sorry, it didn't work."
Thank you for your interest!
Im März sind leider ein paar von uns unterwegs. Eine WG-Besichtigung ist trotzdem möglich :)
Wir werden es wahrscheinlich leider nicht schaffen allen zu antworten. Das tut uns mega leid, bitte fühlt euch trotzdem gewertschätzt! Falls wir uns ca. 2 Wochen nachdem ihr uns geschrieben habt nicht bei euch gemeldet haben, dann nehmt das einfach als eine Absage. Trotzdem ganz dickes Danke für euer Interesse!
Unfortunately, a few of us are off in March (oh, those students…!), but a WG tour is still possible :)
We are sorry in advance, as it is hard to give an answer to everyone due to the volume of messages. So please, if we’re not answering within 2 weeks after you texted us, take it as a “Sorry, it didn’t work”.
Thank you for your interest!