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Love apartment seeker,
in our beautiful old building WG, from April two of a total of four rooms are available until early September: one with 12.9 m2 for 294 € warm and one with 15.8 m2 and nem small balcony for 324€. The room with balcony is unfurnished, in the small one could stay in the bed if desired. The apartment is super central, in five minutes you are on the Elbe or in the middle of the new town with all its bars and cafes. A rewe is also nearby.
Unfortunately, the WG period is so slow to end, whether it is because of the combination with partners or the desire to live alone. That is why we gradually dissolve, but by September we would like to continue the WG in its original, non-use form. David, 31, who is still studying, and Ahmad, 36, who moved in March and works in medical research. We were never a purpose WG and would like to continue. We share the kitchen and bathroom, and even if all under the week are busy with work or study, we like to spend time together. It is not a party-WG, but a friendly and relaxed coexistence is important to us.
We love looking for someone around the thirty who has a sense of cleanliness and wants to bring together WG life. Your room would be unfurnished or the bed could be taken over in the small room. Smoking is okay in your own room, in the kitchen too, except when eating. Even now everyone has stopped smoking...
If you're interested, just write us a little bit about you, we'll get back soon.
And of course, there is no place for racism, discrimination, sexism or homophobia – we want a WG in which everyone feels comfortable.
We look forward to your message! 😊
Dear apartment seekers,
In our beautiful old building WG, two of the four rooms will be available starting in April, and they will be available until early September: one with 12.9 m2 for €294, one with 15.8 m2 and a small balcony for €324. The large room is unfurnished, while the small one could come with a bed if desired. The apartment is super centered – in just five minutes, you can be by the Elbe or right in the heart of Neustadt, surrounded by bars and caffes. There’s a Rewe supermarket nearby.
As life moves on, people are slowly leaving the WG – whether to move in with partners or to live alone. That’s why we’re gradual dissolving, but until September, we’d like to keep the WG as it has always been – a shared home rather than just a place to sleep. Staying in the apartment until then are David (31, still studying) and Ahmad, 36, who moved in this March and works in medical research. We have never been a "just-for-rent" flat share and would love to keep it that way. We share the kitchen and bathroom, and even though we’re all busy with work or studying during the week, we enjoy spending time together. It’s not a party WG, but we value a friendly and atmosphere.
We’re ideally looking for someone around 30 years old, who has a basic sense of cleanliness and enjoys shared living. Your room would be unfurnished, except for the smallest one, where the bed could stay if needed. Smoking is fine in your own room, and in the kitchen as well – except during meals. That said, pretty much everyone here has quit smoking anyway...
If you're interested, just send us a message with a bit about yourself, and we’ll get back to you soon.
And of course, no place for discrimination, discrimination, sexism, or homophobia – we want a WG where everyone feels comfortable.
Looking forward to hearing from you
Liebe Wohnungssuchende,
in unserer schönen Altbau-WG werden ab April zwei von insgesamt vier Zimmern frei, die bis Anfang September verfügbar sind: eines mit 12,9 m² für 294 € warm und eins mit 15,8 m² und nem kleinen Balkon für 324€. Das Zimmer mit Balkon ist unmöbliert, im kleinen könnte das Bett drinbleiben, wenn gewünscht. Die Wohnung liegt super zentral, in fünf Minuten bist du an der Elbe oder mitten in der Neustadt mit all ihren Bars und Cafés. Ein Rewe ist auch direkt in der Nähe.
So langsam neigt sich die WG-Zeit leider dem Ende zu, sei es wegen des Zusammenziehens mit Partner*innen oder dem Wunsch, allein zu wohnen. Deshalb lösen wir uns nach und nach auf, aber bis September möchten wir die WG noch in ihrer ursprünglichen, nicht-zweckmäßigen Form weiterführen. In der Wohnung bleiben bis dahin David, 31, der immer noch studiert, und Ahmad, 36, der im März eingezogen ist und in der medizinischen Forschung arbeitet. Wir waren nie eine Zweck-WG und hätten es auch gerne weiterhin so. Küche und Bad teilen wir uns, und auch wenn alle unter der Woche mit Arbeit oder Studium beschäftigt sind, verbringen wir gerne Zeit zusammen. Es ist keine Party-WG, aber ein freundliches und entspanntes Miteinander ist uns wichtig.
Wir suchen am liebsten jemanden um die dreißig, der oder die ein gewisses Gespür für Sauberkeit hat und Lust auf gemeinsames WG-Leben mitbringt. Dein Zimmer wäre unmöbliert bzw. im kleinen Zimmer könnte das Bett übernommen werden. Rauchen ist im eigenen Zimmer okay, in der Küche auch, außer beim Essen. Auch mittlerweile eigentlich alle aufgehört haben zu rauchen…
Wenn du Interesse hast, schreib uns einfach ein bisschen was über dich, dann melden wir uns zeitnah zurück.
Und natürlich gilt: Kein Platz für Rassismus, Diskriminierung, Sexismus oder Homophobie – wir möchten eine WG, in der sich alle wohlfühlen.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Nachricht! 😊
Dear apartment seekers,
In our beautiful old building WG, two of the four rooms will be available starting in April, and they will be available until early September: one with 12.9 m² for €294, one with 15.8 m² and a small balcony for €324. The large room is unfurnished, while the small one could come with a bed if desired. The apartment is super centrally located – in just five minutes, you can be by the Elbe or right in the heart of Neustadt, surrounded by bars and cafés. There’s also a Rewe supermarket nearby.
As life moves on, people are slowly leaving the WG – whether to move in with partners or to live alone. That’s why we’re gradually dissolving, but until September, we’d like to keep the WG as it has always been – a shared home rather than just a place to sleep. Staying in the apartment until then are David (31, still studying) and Ahmad, 36, who moved in this March and works in medical research. We have never been a "just-for-rent" flat share and would love to keep it that way. We share the kitchen and bathroom, and even though we’re all busy with work or studying during the week, we enjoy spending time together. It’s not a party WG, but we value a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.
We’re ideally looking for someone around 30 years old, who has a basic sense of cleanliness and enjoys shared living. Your room would be unfurnished, except for the smallest one, where the bed could stay if needed. Smoking is fine in your own room, and in the kitchen as well – except during meals. That said, pretty much everyone here has quit smoking anyway…
If you're interested, just send us a message with a bit about yourself, and we’ll get back to you soon.
And of course, no place for racism, discrimination, sexism, or homophobia – we want a WG where everyone feels comfortable.
Looking forward to hearing from you! 😊