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Since I will attend a university course in Spitbergen in March, my nice room in a spacious WG in the old town of Freiburg is rented to someone who is looking for a bridge in March or comes to Freiburg for work or for an internship.
Your roommates would be between 24 and 30 + and study or work, the WG life here is unforced.
In the evening or underground you meet in the living room to chat and chill. If you get too much and you're tired of a long day, you can relax.
The room is fully furnished and I would wake up all my stuff to make room in the closet and anywhere else.
I have quite a lot of plants, if you could keep an eye on them;)
Just write a short description to you and what you do here in Freiburg. Maybe it would be nice to meet you here in February, so I can show you the apartment. I'd love to go online.
Best regards
English version:
Since I will be doing a university course in Spitsbergen this March, my nice room in a spacious shared flat located in city center of Freiburg is being subtitled to some. May you need to do an internship or you want to use this month to do more casts here in Freiburg.
Your rooms are between 24 and 30 +, they study or work, the shared flat life here is very chill.
In the evening or during the day, you can meet all your flats in the living room to chill and have a chat.
If your tired from a long day, you can easily relax in your room.
The room is fully furnished and I would pack all my step to make space in the cupboard and everywhere else.
I have some plants. Maybe it would be nice if you could have a look on them and water them once a week:)
Just write me, a short description of yourself and what you do here in Freiburg would be nice.
It would be awesome to meet here in February so I can show you the flat, otherwise we can meet online.
Da ich im März einen Uni Kurs in Spitzbergen besuchen werde, wird mein nettes Zimmer in einer geräumigen WG in der Freiburger Altstadt vermietet an jemanden, der im März etwas zum überbrücken sucht oder nach Freiburg kommt zum arbeiten oder für ein Praktikum.
Deine Mitbewohner wären zwischen 24 und 30+ und studieren oder arbeiten, das WG Leben hier ist ungezwungen.
Abends oder auch untertags trifft man im Wohnzimmer zusammen zum chillen und plaudern. Wenns einem zu viel wird und man müde von einem langen Tag ist, kann man sich ganz entspannt zurückziehen.
Das Zimmer ist voll möbliert und ich würde meinen ganzen Kram weckräumen, um Platz im Schrank und sonst überall zu machen.
Ich hab ziemlich viele Pflanzen, wär cool wenn du ein Auge auf sie werfen könntest ;)
Einfach anschreiben mit ner kurzen Beschreibung zu dir und was du hier in Freiburg machst. Vielleicht wärs schön sich im Februar mal hier zu treffen, dass ich dir die Wohnung gleich zeigen kann. Sonst gern auch Online.
Beste Grüße
English version:
Since I will be doing a university course in Spitsbergen this March, my nice room in a spacious shared flat located in city center of Freiburg is being subletted to someone. Maybe you need to do an internship or you want to use this month to do more castings here in Freiburg.
Your roommates are between 24 and 30+, they study or work, the shared flat life here is very chill.
In the evenings or during the day, you can meet all your flatmates in the living room to chill and have a chat.
If your tired from a long day, you can easily relax in your room.
The room is fully furnished and I would pack all my stuff to make space in the cupboard and everywhere else.
I have some plants. Maybe it would be nice if you could have a look on them and water them once a week :)
Just write me, a short description of yourself and what you do here in Freiburg would be nice.
It would be awesome to meet here in February so I can show you the flat, otherwise we can meet online.
Kind regards
Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse 212 above the Müller.
Kaiser-Joseph-Strasse 212 über dem Müller.
Living the whale is very relaxed and unforced. I work and learn a lot in the large living room, you can feel like home. At lunch, someone often cooks in the kitchen or you date to go to the Mensa, but the main point of sociality is definitely the evening. We often play dart, chat, have a beer and eat together.
Das Wg leben ist sehr entspannt und ungezwungen. Ich arbeite und lerne viel im großen Wohnzimmer, man kann sich wie Zuhause fühlen. Zu Mittag kocht oft jemand in der Küche oder man verabredet sich zum in die Mensa gehen, aber der Hauptangelpunkt der Sozialität ist auf jeden Fall der Abend. Wir spielen oft Dart, plaudern, trinken ein Bier und essen zusammen.