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Das Zimmer wäre ca. 45m² groß und bietet somit sehr viel Raum für allerlei Aktivitäten und nicht-Aktivitäten ;)
Es befindet sich im 2. OG. und hat eine Dachschräge die allerdings nicht bis zum Boden reicht, sondern auf der Höhe von etwa 1,50 m endet. Das Zimmer hat eine große Fensterfront nach Norden raus und eine weitere große Fenstertür in Richtung Westen, wodurch das Zimmer sehr hell ist. Das Zimmer ist unmöbliert und bietet somit viel Gestaltungs- und einigen Stauraum. Im 1. OG befindet sich unser gemeinsames Badezimmer mit Dusche, Badewanne und zwei Waschbecken für unsere Zahnputzpartys. Im Erdgeschoss befindet sich unser geräumiges Wohnzimmer mit Essbereich, offener Küche und Couchecke zum Chillen, Kochen, gemeinsamen Leben und weiteren Schabernack. Das Wohnzimmer hat riesige Fenster nach Süden, wo sich auch unsere Terasse mit gemütlicher Sitzecke, Terassentisch und einem kleinen Garten befindet in dem sich gerne ausgetobt werden kann.
---English Version---
Your room would be about 50m² in size, offering plenty of space for all sorts of activities – and non-activities too ;)
It’s located on the second floor and has a sloped ceiling, but don’t worry, it doesn’t reach the floor – it ends at about 1.5 meters. The room has a large north-facing window front and another big window door towards the west, making it very bright. The room is unfurnished, giving you lots of creative freedom and some storage space. On the first floor, you’ll find our shared bathroom with a shower, bathtub, and two sinks for your tooth-brushing parties. Downstairs, on the ground floor, is our spacious living room with a dining area, open kitchen, and a comfy corner for chilling. It's perfect for cooking, living together, and engaging in all sorts of mischief. The living room features huge south-facing windows, and that’s where you’ll find our terrace with a cozy seating area, a terrace table, and a small garden where you can happily unleash some energy.
The house is on the edge of the Vauban district, in the so-called solar settlement right behind the Alnatura / DM (sunship) on the Merzhauser Straße. The entrance to Alnatura and DM is about 8 seconds walk from the house door;) and Rewe and Aldi are also only 5 minutes away. Otherwise you are within a few minutes walk in the nature, in the forest (Lorettoberg, Schönberg) or in the heart of the Vauban district.
The tram, döner and pharmacies can also be reached in about 1 minute on foot. To get to the city centre or the main station
you need by bike about 10 - 15 minutes, on foot approx. 30 - 40 minutes and by bus or tram about 10 - 17 minutes, depending on the connection.
---English Version---
The house is located at the edge of the Vauban district, in the so-called Solar Settlement, right behind the Alnata / DM (sunship) on Merzhauser Street. The transport to Alnatura and DM is about an 8-second walk from the front door;) and Rewe and Aldi are also only a 5-minute walk away at most. Other wise, you're just minutes away from nature, the forest (Lorettoberg, Schönberg), or the heart of the Vauban district.
The tram, döner shops, and pharmacies are all about a minute's walk away - basically right out the house. To get to the city center or the main train station, it takes about 10-15 minutes by bike, 30-40 minutes on foot, or 10-17 minutes by bus or tram, dedicated on the connection.
Das Haus ist am Rand des Stadtteils Vauban, in der sogenannten Solar-Siedlung direkt hinter dem Alnatura/DM (Sonnenschiff) an der Merzhauser Straße. Der Eingang zu Alnatura und DM ist ca. 8 Sekunden Fußweg von der Haustüre entfernt ;) und Rewe und Aldi sind auch nur maximal 5 Minuten laufen entfernt. Ansonsten ist man innerhalb weniger Minuten zu Fuß in der Natur, im Wald (Lorettoberg, Schönberg) oder im Herzen des Stadtteils Vauban.
Auch die Straßenbahn, Döner und Apotheken sind in ca. 1 Minute zu Fuß zu erreichen also quasi direkt vor dem Haus. Um zur Innenstadt bzw. zum Hauptbahnhof zu gelangen
braucht man mit dem Fahrrad ca. 10 - 15 Minuten, zu Fuß ca. 30 - 40 Minuten und mit Bus oder Straßenbahn etwa 10 - 17 Minuten, je nach Verbindung.
---English Version---
The house is located at the edge of the Vauban district, in the so-called Solar Settlement, right behind the Alnatura/DM (Sonnenschiff) on Merzhauser Street. The entrance to Alnatura and DM is about an 8-second walk from the front door ;) and Rewe and Aldi are also only a 5-minute walk away at most. Otherwise, you’re just minutes away from nature, the forest (Lorettoberg, Schönberg), or the heart of the Vauban district.
The tram, döner shops, and pharmacies are all about a minute’s walk away – basically right outside the house. To get to the city center or the main train station, it takes about 10-15 minutes by bike, 30-40 minutes on foot, or 10-17 minutes by bus or tram, depending on the connection.
Hallooo, we are July, Mike and Emre:)
Our WG is in a redesign phase and we are looking for an interim rent from March for 4 weeks, ideally even for 6 weeks to mid-April.
We like to create a feel-good atmosphere and a family feeling of community with space and feeling for our individual lives and relationships. We like to cook and eat together, like to do sports or just hang out, play some games or talk about life. We like it when our house radiates an inviting atmosphere, and we like to share it with friends... and perhaps soon with you / you!:)
July (27) loves to explore the countless facets of humanity together and share the small and great adventures of life. It also has a lot of energy and enthusiasm for movement and nature. In the summer, you can find it mainly outside - on the beach field, during spying, boulding or mountain biking in the Black Forest, also with a few nights in the hammock or in the tent. In addition, July likes to dance - on a good Rave or at the ecstatic dance. At home she likes to spend her time playing music or with yoga and meditation. The coziness must not be too short, which is why it just needs room for you to hang out. She studies a Fernmaster in psychology, which allows her to bring the various possibilities of life under one hat. Most of the time, she is seen in a double pack with her friend Mike, with whom she shares many areas of her life.
Mike (34), after a few years as a molecular biologist in the professional world, has given himself a free phase of life to face his great questions of life, to get to know himself better and to develop, and to explore new potential fields of work, and is not trying to take life too seriously. In doing so, he navigates through life with a synthesis of intuition, deep empathy, rational world understanding and a strong preference for nonsense. With a good sense of his energy and a small Prise ADHS, he lives a very active social life, his desire for movement (yoga, boulders, hiking, MTB) and his love for nature and music. It will be balanced by its years of refined ability to chill. His inner dopamine monkey likes to lose himself in the web or in computer games and is definitely addicted to chocolate. Most of the time, he is seen in a double pack with his friend July, with whom he shares almost all areas of his life.
Emre (25) from Turkey, Istanbul: has completed his studies "Liberal Arts and Sciences" with a focus on "Geo- and Environmental Sciences" in Freiburg. He likes to spend his free time running, hiking, table tennis and breathing. He is a professionally trained breathing therapist and loves to cook, chill and share beautiful moments. It is important to him, even though he quickly loses his attention when it comes to chocolate:) He is social and extravagant and likes to communicate openly, directly and transparently.
---English Version---
Hello, we are July, Mike, and Emre:)
Our shared flat is currently going through a redesign phase, and we are looking for a sublot starting in March for 4 weeks, ideal even for 6 weeks until mid-April.
We love creating a cozy atmosphere and a sense of community, with space and sensitivity for our individual lives and relationships. We enjoy cooking and eating together, some doing sports, or just hanging out, playing games, or chatting about life. We think it's lovely when our home radiates an inviting atmosphere, and we're having sharing it with friends... and may soon with you as well!:)
July (27) love exploration the country faces of being human together with others and sharing but the small and big adventures of life. She also has a lot of energy and enthusiasm for movement and nature. In the summer, she's mostly outdoors - on the beach volleyball court, spikeballing, bouldering, or mountain biking in the Black Forest, oven even donating the night in a hammock or tent. = = References = = = = External links = = * Official website * Official website At home, she enjoys donating her time making music or practising yoga and meditation. Comfort is important to her, so she needs time to just chill. She's studying for a distance master's in psychology, which allows her to juggle the many possibilities life has to offer. Most of the time, you'll find her as a pair with her boyfriend Mike, with whom she has many areas of her life.
Mike (34) is currently enacting a break after seven years working as a molecular biologist in the professional world. It's a time for him to reflect on his big life questions, get to know himself better, grow, and discover new potential career paths - all while trying not to take life too seriously. He navigates through life with a blind of intuition, deep empathy, rational understanding of the world, and a strong love for silliness. With a good sense of his own energy and a little touch of ADHD, he leads a very active social life and scanners his need for movement (yoga, bouldering, hiking, mountain biking) as well as his love for nature and music. Balance is found in his long-adjusted ability to simply chill. His inner dopamine monkey offers gets lost in the vastness of the internet or in video games, and he's definitely added to chocolate. Most of the time, you'll find him as a pair with his girlfriend July, with whom he shares most of all aspects of his life.
Emre (25) from Istanbul, Turkey, completed his studies in "Liberal Arts and Sciences" with a focus on "Geo- and Environmental Sciences" in Freiburg. In his free time, he enjoys running, hiking, playing table tennis, and breathing. He is a professional trained Breathwork therapist and loves cooking, chilling, and sharing beautiful moments. Mindfulness is important to him, though he tends to lose his mindfulness when it comes to chocolate:) He is social and extroverted, and enjoys communicating open, direct, and transparent.
Hallooo, wir sind Juli, Mike und Emre :)
Unsere WG befindet sich gerade in einer Neugestaltungsphase und wir suchen eine Zwischenmiete ab März für 4 Wochen, idealerweise sogar für 6 Wochen bis mitte April.
Wir erschaffen gerne eine Wohlfühl-Atmosphäre und ein familiäres Gefühl von Gemeinschaft mit Raum und Gespür für unsere individuellen Leben und Beziehungen. Wir mögen es zusammen zu Kochen und zu Essen, machen gerne mal Sport oder hängen einfach mal zusammen ab, spielen ein paar Spiele oder quatschen über das Leben. Wir finden es schön, wenn unser Haus eine einladende Atmosphäre ausstrahlt, und wir teilen es gerne mit Freund*innen ... und vielleicht auch bald mit dir/euch! :)
Juli (27) liebt es die unzähligen Facetten des Menschseins gemeinsam zu erforschen und die kleinen und großen Abenteuer des Lebens zu teilen. Zudem hat sie viel Energie und Begeisterung für Bewegung und die Natur. Im Sommer ist Sie überwiegend draußen zu finden - auf dem Beachfeld, beim Spiken, Bouldern oder Mountainbiken im Schwarzwald, gerne auch mal mit Übernachtung in der Hängematte oder im Zelt. Zudem geht Juli gerne Tanzen - auf einem guten Rave oder beim ecstatic dance. Zu Hause verbringt sie ihre Zeit gerne beim Musizieren oder mit Yoga und Meditation. Hierbei darf die Gemütlichkeit nicht zu kurz kommen, weshalb es für Sie auch einfach mal Raum zum Abhängen braucht. Sie studiert einen Fernmaster in Psychologie, der es ihr ermöglicht die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten des Lebens unter einem Hut zu bringen. Meistens erlebt man sie im Doppelpack mit ihrem Freund Mike, mit der sie viele Bereiche ihres Lebens teilt.
Mike (34) gönnt sich gerade nach einigen Jahren als Molekularbiologe in der Berufswelt eine freie Lebensphase um sich seinen großen Lebensfragen zu stellen, sich selbst noch besser kennenzulernen und sich weiterzuentwickeln, sowie neue potenzielle Berufsfelder zu erforschen, und versucht sich und das Leben dabei nicht zu ernst zu nehmen. Dabei navigiert er sich mit einer Synthese von Intuition, tiefem Empathievermögen, rationalem Weltverständnis und einer ausgeprägten Vorliebe zum Quatsch durchs Leben. Mit einem guten Gespür für seine Energie und einer kleinen Prise ADHS, lebt er ein sehr aktives Sozialleben, seinen Bewegungsdrang (Yoga, Bouldern, Wandern, MTB) sowie seine Liebe zur Natur und zur Musik aus. Ausgeglichen wird er durch seine jahrelang verfeinerte Fähigkeit auch einfach mal zu chillen. Sein innerer Dopamin-Affe verliert sich gerne mal in den Weiten des Internets oder in Computerspielen und ist zudem definitiv Schokoladensüchtig. Meistens erlebt man ihn im Doppelpack mit seiner Freundin Juli, mit der er fast alle Bereiche seines Lebens teilt.
Emre (25) aus der Türkei, Istanbul: hat sein Studium "Liberal Arts and Sciences" mit Schwerpunkt "Geo- und Umweltwissenschaften" in Freiburg abgeschlossen. Er verbringt seine Freizeit gerne beim Laufen, Wandern, Tischtennis und Atmen. Er ist ein professionell ausgebildeter Atemtherapeut und liebt es, zu kochen, zu chillen und schöne Momente zu teilen. Achtsamkeit ist ihm wichtig, obwohl er seine Achtsamkeit schnell verliert wenn es um Schokolade geht :) Er ist sozial und extravertiert und mag es, offen, direkt und transparent zu kommunizieren 😇.
---English Version---
Hello, we are Juli, Mike, and Emre :)
Our shared flat is currently going through a redesign phase, and we are looking for a sublet starting in March for 4 weeks, ideally even for 6 weeks until mid-April.
We love creating a cozy atmosphere and a sense of community, with space and sensitivity for our individual lives and relationships. We enjoy cooking and eating together, sometimes doing sports, or just hanging out, playing games, or chatting about life. We think it's lovely when our home radiates an inviting atmosphere, and we enjoy sharing it with friends... and maybe soon with you as well! :)
Juli (27) loves exploring the countless facets of being human together with others and sharing both the small and big adventures of life. She also has a lot of energy and enthusiasm for movement and nature. In the summer, she’s mostly outdoors – on the beach volleyball court, spikeballing, bouldering, or mountain biking in the Black Forest, often even spending the night in a hammock or tent. Juli also loves dancing – whether it’s at a good rave or during ecstatic dance. At home, she enjoys spending her time making music or practicing yoga and meditation. Comfort is important to her, so she also needs time to just chill. She’s studying for a distance master’s in psychology, which allows her to juggle the many possibilities life has to offer. Most of the time, you’ll find her as a pair with her boyfriend Mike, with whom she shares many areas of her life.
Mike (34) is currently enjoying a break after several years working as a molecular biologist in the professional world. It’s a time for him to reflect on his big life questions, get to know himself better, grow, and explore new potential career paths – all while trying not to take life too seriously. He navigates through life with a blend of intuition, deep empathy, rational understanding of the world, and a strong love for silliness. With a good sense of his own energy and a little touch of ADHD, he leads a very active social life and channels his need for movement (yoga, bouldering, hiking, mountain biking) as well as his love for nature and music. Balance is found in his long-refined ability to simply chill. His inner dopamine monkey often gets lost in the vastness of the internet or in video games, and he’s definitely addicted to chocolate. Most of the time, you’ll find him as a pair with his girlfriend Juli, with whom he shares almost all aspects of his life.
Emre (25) from Istanbul, Turkey, completed his studies in "Liberal Arts and Sciences" with a focus on "Geo- and Environmental Sciences" in Freiburg. In his free time, he enjoys running, hiking, playing table tennis, and breathing. He is a professionally trained breathwork therapist and loves cooking, chilling, and sharing beautiful moments. Mindfulness is important to him, although he tends to lose his mindfulness when it comes to chocolate :) He is social and extroverted, and enjoys communicating openly, directly, and transparently 😇.
Feel the call? :)