Male    Looking for a place to stay from 10th of February until 22th of February


Aleksandr Mironov (, 23) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Garching b. München (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: German, English

Request online: 09.01.2025

Search criteria

Date wanted: 10.02.2025 until 22.02.2025
Flatshare type/s: Any
Flatshare details: any number of people (any gender)
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished
Other details: n.a.

Documents available

Passport/ID Passport/ID
Proof of Income Proof of Income
Certificate of enrollment Certificate of enrollment

More information about me

I am looking for a place to stay near München or Garching from 10th of February until 22th of February. My budget is limited to 400 euros. I have experience living in a WG and require only a room with electricity and Internet connection.

It is preferred that desired location is not further than 1 hour away from Garching via public transportation.

I am currently a student at TUM (Garching campus), I do not drink or smoke and try to keep the place of stay tidy.


I cook: often, and I enjoy it
Smoking is okay: When people smoke in their room
I will bring: Mein Computer, meine Kleidung und mein Koffer


Sport: n.a.
Music: Elektro, House, Alternative, Dark Wave, Techno, Trance
Free time: Reading, Online games, Music


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