Room available in self-governed student dormitory

Ad ID: 6497391


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • room in 4 person apartment share
  • 4 person apartment share
  • Students Only, Communal, Mixed Gender
  • Speaking these languages: German, English, Spanish

Searching for:

  • This room is currently rented out

Further details

Consumption certificate

Ground floor

furnished, partly furnished




Green Power

Many free parking lots

5 minutes by foot

Washing machine, Dish washer, Garden, Shared garden, Basement/Cellar, Bicycle storage


Dear future flatmate,
we are a group of 22 students, living together in a big house and are searching for an international student coming to Germany. The room is available from the 15.02. Our house is called "forum" and belongs to a non profit organization. We try to provide affordable living space for students in Göttingen. In the forum there are 6 corridors, which all have their own bathroom and kitchen. All residents share a big garden and two common rooms (a big living room with a fireplace and a home cinema in the basement).
Part of living here is that we are self-organized, which means that everyone takes on responsibility for some portion of the house and the jobs needed to help keep our community going. For example, there are people taking care of the garden and others organizing our monthly meetings. In these meetings we come together to talk and decide about everything concerning the house. Apart from these "official" meetings we also come together for many other occasions, like watching movies, doing sports or having a barbecue.

In your future shared flat Meli (27), Gerrid (26) and Isabel (25) will be your flatmates.

Meli (27) is studying for a Master's degree in biodiversity and has just spent a semester abroad in Valencia. She is interested in things she doesn't know, everything that creeps and flies, and recently callisthencis. Meanwhile, she is trying her hand at mindfulness and enjoys spending time in good company, preferably eating, playing boardgames , dancing or painting.

I'm Gerrid and I'm probably the most crazy of the three of us. I spend a lot of time in the garden, in the forest, in our workshop and in bed. I love to sleep it off and going to bed early. I'm happy about every person who has coffee or tea with me in the afternoon.

Isa (25) is studying for a Master's degree in geography and is very interested in environmental protection and nature. She loves doing yoga, sometimes plays the guitar and enjoys sitting in the kitchen with a coffee. To balance things out, she likes to do some gardening and watch movies with friends over a beer in the evening or enjoy a vegan cookout.

For more information you can visit our homepage ( If you are interested in living with us please write a small “letter of motivation” with some information about you and why you want to move in with us. If we like your letter and can imagine to live with you we would like to get to know you in an Online Meeting. Usually you would stay with us one up to two semesters.
the residents of the forum :)

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