Female     Warm and respectful 24y woman (non-smoker) with a steady job looking for an apartment urgently!

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Kasvi T. (, 24) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Hamburg (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi

Request online: 4 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 13.03.2025
Flatshare type/s: Any
Flatshare details: Up to 3 people (females)
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

Hello all! I'm Kasvi (24y, female), from Mumbai, India. I am looking to move into new accommodation on the 12/13th of March.

A little about me:
I’m a lawyer working at a law firm here in Hamburg. I'd say I'm warm and extremely responsible so your place would be in good hands. I don't drink alcohol or smoke so you needn't worry about wild parties being thrown. I'm vegetarian and don't own any pets. Due to my profession, I have a reliable source of income and am happy to share proof of the same if we move forward.

What I’m looking for:
I am open to flat-shares as well as renting solo, no strict preference on location but should be within a half an hour radius to Jungfernstieg. As my current lease is about to end, I’m looking for either of the following options -

1. Short term rentals for 1-2 months starting 13 March 2025
2. Long term rentals starting anytime between 13 March to end of April, ONLY if registration (anmeldung) is possible at the flat.

Please let me know if you have either option available!Since we are short on time, I would like to have further discussions soon, preferably during a house tour this week. You can also reach me on WhatsApp at +91 (see contact info) and at !


I cook: often, and I enjoy it
Smoking is okay: n.a.
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Music: n.a.
Free time: n.a.


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