Female     WG rooms in KA (Oststadt or Rintheim) up to 500€ searched:)


Natalie L. (, 28) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Karlsruhe (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: German, English

Request online: 17 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.04.2025
Flatshare type/s: Non Communal, Students Only, Female Only, Business People, Workers Only, Communal, Mixed Gender, Vegetarian/Vegan
Flatshare details: n.a.
Districts: Durlach, Hagsfeld, Oststadt, Rintheim
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

Hello dear roommate seekers!

I am Natalie 28 years old, working and looking for a new WG room on 01.04. Since the main tenant of my WG has unfortunately announced and the landlord wants to raise the prices, I would like to take advantage of the opportunity to move into a new, inspiring WG!

I love living with nice people who want to chat in the kitchen in the evening, cooking together or just spending a relaxing evening. At the same time, I also find it important that everyone, if necessary, also has their free space/retraction – in short – a harmonious coexistence is generally important to me!

Cleanliness and open communication are the cornerstones of a great WG. Through my dual study, I have already gained many WG experiences in various cities and look forward to closing new friendships.

In my spare time I am happy to travel, travel, spend time with friends, read exciting books or let my creativity run free. I would describe myself as an open, cumbersome and warm roommate who is always to have for a chat or a shared adventure!

If you have a room or know someone who offers you, please contact us! I look forward to your news and to be part of your WG soon!

Best regards,

P.s as I have a car I'm looking for, above all, in the districts mentioned above, as I have had the best experiences here so far when it comes to finding a parking lot even in the evening after work and I just like to live the districts in general :)

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I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke on the balcony
I will bring: gute Laune und sonstiges nach Absprache ;)


Sport: Gym, Cycling, Swimming
Music: Rock, R'n'B, Jazz, Pop, Rock'n'Roll
Free time: Travelling, Concerts, Reading, Cinema, Clubbing, Festivals, Photography, Meeting friends, Music


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