FemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender Cozy flat in the city center

Ad ID: 11472915


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2 days


Hello, I am Julia. Happy that you are reading this :). I moved to Cologne some months ago and finally found a flat that I would love to share. The flat has a small kitchen with a lot of light and a small balcony- like extra tiny room. But it’s just ,,balcony -like“. There is a living room, a bathroom and the two sleeping rooms. Unfortunately the rooms side is the side where the tram is passing around Aachenerstraße , so it’s a bit noisy. Close to the flat there are lots of shops, Cafes, Bars, restaurants and the Aachener Weiher/ Grüngürtel. I like spending time here in Cologne with my sisters and friends, with nature, at the lake, doing sports, cooking, playing, and dancing. I have mostly lived in a shared apartment in recent years and am really looking forward to communal living. That’s also something I like to explore more so if you also interested in that would be happy.
Other than that, I work a few hours as a special needs teacher at a comprehensive school and freelance with a friend.
Would be really happy to meet you and get to know you better.


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • 15m² room in 2 person apartment share
  • Total size: 60m²
  • 2 person apartment share ( 1 Female )
  • Age: 36 to 36 years
  • No smoking anywhere
  • Workers Only, Communal
  • Speaking these languages: German, English, Amharic

Searching for:

  • any gender between 30 and 60 years old

Further details

Old building

3rd floor

Some free parking lots

5 minutes by foot
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