Flatshares in Köln: 49694

from 470 €
Accommodation let by private person
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11 person apartment share | Köln Porz | Ensener Weg FemaleFemaleFemaleFemaleMaleMaleMaleMaleMaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of female gender
350 €
12 m²
Villa Porz
Villa Porz Online: 10 hours
Villa Porz sucht Nummer Elf
350 € | 12 m²
11 person apartment share | Köln Porz | Ensener Weg
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11201838.html
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Salierring 43 FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
910 €
32 m²
D. Fink Online: 12 hours
Helles grosses 32,5 qm Zimmer in 5er WG am Barbarossaplatz- Uninah!
910 € | 32 m²
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Salierring 43
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11863402.html
online tour
5 person apartment share | Köln Barbarossaplatz | Salierring 43 FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
800 €
17 m²
D. Fink Online: 12 hours
Schönes 17qm Zimmer in 5er WG Uninah/Barbarossaplatz –Wohnung mit großer Küche
800 € | 17 m²
5 person apartment share | Köln Barbarossaplatz | Salierring 43
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11862951.html
online tour
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Salierring 43 FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
890 €
30 m²
D. Fink Online: 12 hours
Großes helles 30qm Zimmer in 5er WG am Barbarossaplatz- Uninah!
890 € | 30 m²
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Salierring 43
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11863240.html
2 person apartment share | Köln Ehrenfeld | Nähe Venloerstr. MaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
695 €
15.03.2025 - 14.06.2025
11 m²
Timo S. Online: 13 hours
WG-Zimmer - 11qm / ab Mitte März 2025 / in großer 86qm Wohnung mit Balkon
695 € | 11 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Ehrenfeld | Nähe Venloerstr.
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11519930.html
2 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Neue Weyer Straße 5
810 €
19.05.2025 - 31.01.2026
17 m²
Homelike Internet GmbH Online: 1 hour
(Verfügbar 1-24 Monate) - Privatzimmer in Altstadt-Köln, Köln
810 € | 17 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Neue Weyer Straße 5
Available: 19.05.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11856625.html
online tour
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Otto Fischer Straße FemaleFemaleMaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
390 €
01.04.2025 - 01.04.2028
16 m²
Jonas Online: 13 hours
WG Zimmer 5er Studenten WG im KSTW Wohnheim
390 € | 16 m²
5 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Süd | Otto Fischer Straße
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11066034.html
online tour
3 person apartment share | Köln Deutz | Cheruskerstraße MaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
600 €
10 m²
Moritz Online: 13 hours
WG-Zimmer in Deutz
600 € | 10 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Deutz | Cheruskerstraße
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11901148.html
3 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Bonner Straße 41 FemaleFemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
611 €
13 m²
Zoë Koch
Zoë Koch Online: 13 hours
gemütliches Altbau WG Zimmer
611 € | 13 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Bonner Straße 41
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11901317.html

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630 €
28 m²
Bettina Online: 13 hours
Großes , helles Dachgeschosszimmer - komplett möbiliert, Wohnen im Grünen mit Garten nahe der Stadt.
630 € | 28 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Köln Widdersdorf | Turmgasse
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/7272793.html
3 person apartment share | Köln Sülz | Weißhausstraße FemaleFemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
468 €
01.04.2025 - 30.06.2025
20 m²
Katharina M.
Katharina M. Online: 13 hours
Wohngemeinschaft in zentraler Lage sucht Mitglied auf Zeit
468 € | 20 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Sülz | Weißhausstraße
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/10656960.html
3 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Deutz-Mülheimer Straße Searching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
650 €
01.04.2025 - 01.10.2025
16 m²
Frau Thiessen -
Frau Thiessen - Online: 13 hours
650 € | 16 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Deutz-Mülheimer Straße
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11900847.html
3 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Nord | Balthasarstraße 16 FemaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
790 €
15 m²
A N Online: 14 hours
Neue 3er WG nur 15min. zur Uni (All-incl., Vollausstattung)
790 € | 15 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Neustadt-Nord | Balthasarstraße 16
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11844606.html
2 person apartment share | Köln Lindenthal | Haselbergstraße FemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
600 €
17.03.2025 - 11.04.2025
16 m²
Johanna M.
Johanna M. Online: 14 hours
wunderschönes helles WG Zimmer mit Dachterrasse
600 € | 16 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Lindenthal | Haselbergstraße
Available: 17.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11894681.html
online tour
3 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Fürstenstraße FemaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
543 €
20 m²
Akshita Agarwal
Akshita Agarwal Online: 14 hours
Helles Dachzimmer in WG mit Balkon und Garten (auch frei ab 1. April)
543 € | 20 m²
3 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Fürstenstraße
Available: 01.05.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11138719.html
online tour
530 €
12 m²
Stefanie Hermann Online: 14 hours
"Strandhaus" bietet 3 Zimmer inkl. Möbel/Internet/Strom/Garten, Warmmiete, KEINE weiteren Kosten
530 € | 12 m²
7 person apartment share | Köln Rath/Heumar | Pestalozziweg 13
Available: 12.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/7196806.html
2 person apartment share | Köln Höhenhaus | Normannenweg MaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
550 €
12 m²
Peter Online: 14 hours
Untermieter gesucht.
550 € | 12 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Höhenhaus | Normannenweg
Available: 12.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11718707.html
2 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Rixdorfer Straße 9 FemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
547 €
13 m²
Chiara Wagner
Chiara Wagner Online: 14 hours
mitbewohner/in gesucht: 2er WG in köln mülheim :)
547 € | 13 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Mülheim | Rixdorfer Straße 9
Available: 15.03.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/9512188.html
5 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Sternengasse 6 MaleMaleSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender
670 €
14 m²
S. Eibeler
S. Eibeler Online: 14 hours
Sehr zentrale WG unweit vom Heumarkt
670 € | 14 m²
5 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Sternengasse 6
Available: 01.04.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11895963.html
online tour
4 person apartment share | Köln Bornheim | Graue-Burg-Straße 7 FemaleFemaleFemaleSearching for a flatmate of female gender
450 €
18 m²
Laura Online: 14 hours
WG Zimmer in 4er WG in Bornheim bei Köln :D
450 € | 18 m²
4 person apartment share | Köln Bornheim | Graue-Burg-Straße 7
Available: 01.05.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/7706491.html
online tour
2 person apartment share | Köln Müngersdorf | Wendelinstraße FemaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender
600 €
01.09.2025 - 01.02.2026
15 m²
Clara V.
Clara V. Online: 15 hours
Wg-Zimmer Köln
600 € | 15 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Müngersdorf | Wendelinstraße
Available: 01.09.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11900616.html

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2 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Neue Weyer Straße 5
750 €
04.06.2025 - 31.01.2026
10 m²
Homelike Internet GmbH Online: 1 hour
(Verfügbar 1-24 Monate) - Privatzimmer in Altstadt-Köln, Köln
750 € | 10 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Altstadt-Süd | Neue Weyer Straße 5
Available: 04.06.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11882082.html
870 €
13.01.2025 - 30.11.2025
18 m²
Homelike Internet GmbH Online: 12.01.2025
(Verfügbar 1-24 Monate) - *Business Wohngemeinschaft - Saniertes Luxusapartment nahe der Innenstadt
870 € | 18 m²
2 person apartment share | Köln Raderberg | Gottesweg
Available: 13.01.2025
To view full Offer, go to: https://www.wg-gesucht.de/11676773.html

The most popular districts in Köln


Altstadt-Nord is the tourist center of Cologne. Here you will find the Cologne Cathedral, the Roman-Germanic Museum, and many bars and restaurants. The historic architecture and lively atmosphere make Altstadt-Nord a popular attraction for visitors and locals. The district buzzes with life and offers a variety of cultural highlights.


Ehrenfeld is an up-and-coming district that is particularly popular with young people and creatives. The district is characterized by a vibrant cultural scene, many cafes, and alternative shops. Events like Ehrenfeld Hopping and the many street art projects contribute to its attractiveness. Ehrenfeld combines urban charm with a dynamic cultural scene.


Lindenthal is a green oasis in Cologne. The district offers many parks and green spaces, which are particularly popular with families. The proximity to the city forest and the good connections to the city center make Lindenthal an attractive residential area for well-off families and professionals. Here you will find a harmonious mix of nature and urban life.


Deutz is a district in Cologne located on the right bank of the Rhine River. The area is known for the KölnMesse exhibition center and the Lanxess Arena, which hosts many concerts and events. Deutz offers a mix of residential and commercial spaces and has excellent transport connections to the city center.

Room in Köln / Mitwohnzentrale Köln

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Do you have a room for rent in Köln and are looking for a nice flatmate? Then you can advertise your Mitwohnzentrale for free here.

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