Helles und schönes Zimmer nähe Stadtzentrum

Ad ID: 11120926


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • room in 4 person apartment share
  • 4 person apartment share
  • Non Communal, Students Only, Workers Only, Communal, Mixed Gender, Internationals welcome

Searching for:

  • This room is currently rented out


Hi, ich ziehe zu meinem Partner und daher wird mein Zimmer in Lausanne frei. Bei Interesse bitte eine kurze Info ueber eure Situation, danke. Anbei die Eckdaten:
- 6 minutes to city
- beautiful garden with bbq area
- big room with high ceiling
- cleaning service once a week
- rent including everything
- maybe possibility of parking
- available from now

It is in a big house with large garden (very green) and with BBQ area. And only 6 minutes walk to Chauderon! walking to the city is very easy and you still have a big house and garden. There is a total of 4 rooms, so you have 3 flatmates. Parking may be possible too. The rent includes everything. The bathroom is new, the room very bright with 2 windows and the ceilings high. There is furniture currently inside which you can buy for little if you want, so you don't have to take anything. The kitchen is also equipped. Overall I had a nice time here. The closeness to the city and transport is great and its amazing to still have the garden.

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