Suche Zimmer fürs Wochenende // Looking for a weekend sublet

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Flatshare type/s: n.a.
Flatshare details: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: n.a.
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me


I am a 29y old Journalist from Berlin, also working as a Yoga teacher.

I am living in San Diego, but I have to be in the city during weekends for work. So I am looking for a room to stay on weekends only.

I consider myself quite easygoing, clean and responsible, knowing about the duties of a shared space from experience. As concerns my financial situation, I do not only have a regular income from my media Job but also from subletting my apartment in Berlin.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Thank you!,


I cook: n.a.
Smoking is okay: n.a.
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Music: n.a.
Free time: n.a.

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