Female     I am looking for accommodation near or a bit far from OVGU University , Magdeburg.

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Kalyani Dawalkar (, 23) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Magdeburg (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: German German, English English, Hindi Hindi

Request online: 03.09.2024

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 07.10.2024
Flatshare type/s: Any
Flatshare details: Up to 3 people (females - from 23 to 25 years old)
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, With a kitchen
Other details: Balcony, Terrace, Bathroom with window/s, Dishwasher, Pets allowed

More information about me

Hello, I am Kalyani Dawalkar from India, a 24 yr old female coming to germany for my Master's program at OVGU University . I am a very helpful , caring & hard-working person. I am looking for a shared, furnished accommodation with a kitchen, balcony, and other required amenities. I expect my roommates to be females (2-3 sharing) , with rent around 280-350 Euros. Being Indian, I would prefer my roommates to be Indian . I am looking for accommodation for 6 months or 1 year.


I cook: often, and I enjoy it
Smoking is okay: Smoking bothers me greatly
I will bring: all my good personality, friendly behavior, helping and kind nature and all the required documents


Sport: Gym, Badminton, Cycling, Dancing
Music: Rock, HipHop, Indie, Jazz, Classical, Pop
Free time: Travelling, Reading, Photography, Meeting friends, Watching sports, Music, Shopping, Yoga


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