Searching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either genderSearching for a flatmate of either gender --- LONG-TERM --- The little green paradise in the center of Munich

Ad ID: 11774776


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • 12m² room in 8 person apartment share
  • Total size: 160m²
  • 8 person apartment share
  • Age: 22 to 30 years
  • Smoking allowed on balcony
  • Communal, Mixed Gender
  • Speaking these languages: German, English, French, Portuguese

Searching for:

  • any gender

Further details

Multi family house

partly furnished

Bathtub, Shower


4 minutes by foot

Washing machine, Balcony




--- We are offering two rooms in the apartment, so we have space for two new flatmates. Let us know which room you prefer :) ---

Rent: 504€
Deposit: 1464€
Size: 12m2

Rent: 470€
Deposit: 1091€
Size: 11m2


The atmosphere in the flatshare is great. We are an interesting mix of international students and workers. There are diverent nationalities here (German, French, Brazilian). All languages are used but we manly communicate in English and German.

As a flat we do a lot together...whether it is a comfortable music+chill or Film evening, cooking session, party, activities outside, getting creative in the house (there is room to express yourself in the walls and anywhere else), normal or invented games, a lot of deep-talking (interesting minds here, honestly) or anything else together. We also go on hikes, bike or ski trips every now and then. Bottom line is, nobody's bored here. But of course, nobody will be offended if you want your own space in your room.

Thus, even if some people stayed for a short time in the past, they kept their friendships and even entered the house when a room got available (important note: there are two other WGs up- and down-stairs which together comprise beautiful and rare community oasis in the middle of Munich).

Also, we consider our home to be a LGBTQI + friendly household and would welcome messages from people who's first reaction might be to shy away from living in a bigger flat. Rest assured that we do our very best to be inclusive of all and to avoid any type of toxicity. We always look forward to opening up to new perspectives and horizons...and unicorns...

Please write your favourite animal in your massage for us so that we can make sure you read until the end :)

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