Nice to have you here
Hey, schön dass du da bist! Wir suchen ab dem 01.06.2025 zwei neue Mitbewohner*innen für unsere Haus-WG.
Du darfst unbefristet einziehen, wir suchen auch vor allem langfristig. Es werden zwei Zimmer frei,
das hier hat 22 m2, die Kaltmiete beträgt 840€ zu der noch 56€ monatliche Nebenkosten, und einmal im Jahr Kosten für Heiz-Öl kommen.
(Das andere Zimmer mit 8m2 findest du
Dein potentialles Zimmer hat große Fenster und einen Balkon, den du zum Lernen oder Tomatenpflanzen nutzen kannst. Außerdem haben wir viel Platz im Rest des Hauses, für Gemeinschaft und kreative Projekte. Es gibt ein großes Wohnzimmer mit angrenzender Küche, den wunderschönen Garten mit Terasse, und ein Musik-, Bastel- und Gästezimmer im Keller. Mit Spülmaschine und Waschmaschine sind wir ausgestattet, und haben sogar 2 Bäder (einmal mit Dusche und Klo, einmal mit Badewanne und Klo) und eine extra Toilette im EG.
Wir würden uns freuen, wenn du dich so richtig zuhause fühlen kanns!
We are looking for a new roommate for our shared house starting immediately. The room is 22 m², with a cold rent of 840€ plus 56€ in additional costs. Once a year we pay for oil for our heating system.
Your potential room has large windows and a balcony, which you can use for studying or planting tomatoes. Additionally, we have plenty of space in the rest of the house for communal living and creative projects. There is a large living room with a kitchen, a beautiful garden with a terrace, and a music, craft, and guest room in the basement. We are equipped with a dishwasher and washing machine, and we even have two bathrooms (one with a shower and toilet, the other with a bathtub and toilet), as well as an extra toilet on the ground floor.
We would love for you to make yourself at home, get active in the house and the „WG-Leben“ so we can create a nice and cozy home.
The bus stop Adilostraße is just a few minutes walk away, there are regular buses to Karl-Preis-Platz (7 min) and Ostbahnhof (12 min) until night and to the underground stops Karl-Preis-Platz (U2) and Michaelibad (U5, U7, U8) are about 1km - at the 10 minutes by bike. With the bike you can also be at Marienplatz in 20 minutes, so you can be quickly in downtown and in 15 minutes at the Isar. We are even within the scope of the MVG wheel.
Otherwise, the area is rather quiet, with many young families. A beautiful green strip leading to the Hachinger Bach and the Ostpark is within a few minutes walk. In the Ostpark you can walk well, and the Michaelibad is not far. An aldi, two Edeka and also a biomarket are within walking distance in a few minutes, bus ride takes almost longer:)
The bus stop Adilostraße is a short walk(3-4min) away, with buses running to Karl-Preis-Platz(7min) and Ostbahnhof(12min). Subway stations Karl-Preis-Platz (U2) and Michaelibad (U5, U7, U8) are about 1 km away(10min bike ride), and it’s a quick bike ride to Marienplatz(20min) and the Isar(15min). The area is quiet, with many young families, and nearby parks and are shops within walking distance.
Die Bushaltestelle Adilostraße ist nur ein paar Minuten zu Fuß entfernt, da fahren bis in die Nacht regelmäßig Busse zum Karl-Preis-Platz (7 min) und Ostbahnhof (12 min) und zu den U-Bahn-Haltestellen Karl-Preis-Platz (U2) und Michaelibad (U5, U7, U8) sind es etwa 1km - an die 10 Minuten mit dem Rad. Mit dem Rad ist man auch in 20 Minuten am Marienplatz, man ist also schnell in der Innenstadt und in 15 Minuten an der Isar. Wir sind sogar noch im Geltungsbereich vom MVG-Rad.
Ansonsten ist die Gegend eher ruhig, mit vielen jungen Familien. Ein schöner Grünstreifen, der zum Hachinger Bach und zum Ostpark führt, ist in ein paar Minuten zu Fuß erreichbar. Im Ostpark lässt es sich ganz gut laufen gehen, und das Michaelibad ist auch nicht weit. Ein Aldi, zwei Edeka und auch ein Biomarkt sind in zu Fuß in ein paar Minuten erreichbar, Bus fahren dauert da schon fast länger :)
The bus stop Adilostraße is a short walk(3-4min) away, with buses running to Karl-Preis-Platz(7min) and Ostbahnhof(12min). Subway stations Karl-Preis-Platz (U2) und Michaelibad (U5, U7, U8) are about 1 km away(10min bike ride), and it’s a quick bike ride to Marienplatz(20min) and the Isar(15min). The area is quiet, with many young families, and nearby parks and shops are within walking distance.
So far we were four, Swaroop and Leonie are left, two people are moving out simultaneously. Says it's almost like a new foundation for our dear WG house. Who remains:
Leonie studies acting and likes to be out and active and on the go. Barefoot at the Isar, for hours while bouldering or swimming. She also loves animals, especially horses, board and card games and common house and garden actions of any kind. From building market or flea market to paint walls and crochet curtains, it is when the theatre and its training leave them.
Swaroop likes to go to concerts, listens and watch live music and rides motorcycle no matter what weather. If you come to the WG, he would be happy to do sports together (boulders, hiking, volleyball...) and excursions, for example with the motorcycle, but not only.
He is a mechanical engineer and works as a service engineer in the semiconductor industry. Unfortunately, he has to go on business, otherwise he is at home in his home office :)
We wish you would like to create a beautiful home and living together, to take care of yourself together and together and to fill the house and the garden with life. So far we were boulders, there were cooking evenings and spontaneous party in the kitchen, parallel or joint cleaning, garden and crafts and tired tea drinking in the evening.
If you're there, we definitely have to go to some flea markets, because with Maxi and Sebie, many essential furniture disappears, such as chairs.
In order for there to be room for difficult topics, we want to introduce a WG evening or event again in some form, to exchange ideas about beautiful and also about problems that are not always easy to tackle. It is clear that sometimes it can become unpleasant, and not always works immediately, but it is important to us that you are open to such conversations.
So far, as WG, we have also had a membership of the potato combination (Solidarian Agriculture) and have received a vegetable box every week - this can be continued and we generally feed vegan/vegetarian and consider it important that you do not eat meat (or only in exceptional cases) or are permanently in the refrigerator. You should be LGBTQI*-friendly, not racist, have a certain tolerance to the wishes of others and be able to reflect discrimination of any kind and not find good and have a certain awareness of sustainability and should be important to you open communication. Smoking is okay as long as the smell does not get into the house or someone does not bother.
So far, there were four of us. Swaroop and Leonie are staying, while two people are moving out at the same time. That means it’s almost like a fresh start for our beloved house.
Leonie is studying acting and loves being outdoors, staying active, and on the move. You’ll find her barefoot by the Isar, bouldering for hours, or swimming. She loves animals, especially horses, board and card games, and all kinds of house and garden projects. Whether it's a trip to the hardware store or flea market, painting walls, or crocheting curtains - she’s in, as long as theatre and her training/apprenticeship allow it.
Swaroop enjoys hitting the gym or doing other sports after work. In his free time he loves working on his motorcycle, planning his next adventure going to concerts, live music, and riding his motorcycle - no matter the weather. If you join the WG, he’d love to do sports (bouldering, hiking, volleyball...) and trips together, not just by motorcycle.
Professionally, he’s a mechanical engineer & working as a service engineer in the semiconductor industry. Sometimes he has to travel for work, but otherwise, he works from home.
We wish that our future flatmates would be interested in creating a welcoming and welcoming home together, taking care of the place, and bringing life to the house and garden. So far, we’ve gone bouldering together, cooking dinner and spontaneous kitchen parties, cleaned and worked on DIY projects side by side, and ended the day with a cozy tea session.
Once you're here, we definitely need to hit up some flea markets because several essential furniture like chairs & other things will disappear with Maxi and Sebie.
To make space for important discussions, we’d like to hold on to regular our house-meetings, whether in the evening or morning, to talk about the good stuff & so address any problems that aren’t always easy to bring up. These conversations can be uncomfortable at times and won’t always be perfect, but it’s important to us that you’re open to them.
Until now, our WG has been part of the potato combination (a community-supported agriculture initiative), receiving a weekly veggie box something we’d love to continue. We eat vegan/vegetarian, so ideally, you too don’t eat meat (or only in rare cases) and don’t store it permanently in the fridge. You should be LGBTQI-friendly*, non-racist, non-discriminating in any form, of course so be not ok with it and be reasonably tolerant to others wishes. You should have a certain awareness of sustainability and value open communication. Smoking is okay unless the smell enters the house or doesn't disturb others.
Bisher waren wir zu viert, Swaroop und Leonie bleiben übrig, zwei Menschen ziehen gleichzeitig aus. Heißt, es ist fast sowas wie eine Neugründung für unser liebes WG-Haus. Wer also übrig bleibt sind:
Leonie studiert Schauspiel und ist gerne draußen und aktiv und unterwegs. Barfuß an der Isar, stundenlang beim Bouldern oder schwimmen. Außerdem liebt sie Tiere, vor allem Pferde, Brett- und Kartenspiele und gemeinsame Haus- und Gartenactions jeder Art. Von Baumarkt oder Flohmarkt bis Wände anmalen und Vorhänge häkeln, sie ist dabei, wenn das Theater und ihre Ausbildung sie lassen.
Swaroop geht gerne auf Konzerte, hört und guckt Live-Musik und fährt egal bei welchem Wetter Motorrad. Wenn du in die WG kommst, würde er sich freuen, gemeinsam Sport (Bouldern, Wandern, Volleyball…) und Ausflüge, zum Beispiel mit dem Motorrad, aber nicht nur, zu machen.
Beruflich ist er Maschinenbauingenieur und arbeitet als Service-Ingenieur in der Halbleiter-Industrie. Ab und zu muss er leider auf Dienstreisen, ansonsten ist er im Home-Office zuhause :)
Wir wünschen uns, dass du Lust hast ein schönes Zuhause und Zusammenleben zu gestalten, sich gemeinsam und gemeinschaftlich zu kümmern und das Haus und den Garten mit Leben zu füllen. Bisher waren wir zusammen Bouldern, es gab Kochabende und Spontanparty in der Küche, parallele oder gemeinsame Putz-, Garten- und Bastelactions und müdes Tee trinken am Abend.
Wenn du dann da bist, müssen wir auf jeden Fall auf ein paar Flohmärkte, denn mit Maxi und Sebie verschwinden viele essentielle Möbel, wie zum Beispiel Stühle.
Damit es Raum für schwierige Themen gibt, wollen wir in irgendeiner Form einen WG-Abend oder -Morgen wieder einführen um sich auszutauschen, über schönes und auch über Probleme die ja nicht immer leicht anzupsrechen sind. Es ist klar, dass es da manchmal unangenehm werden kann, und nicht immer sofort klappt, deswegen ist es uns aber wichtig, dass du offen bist für solche Gespräche.
Bisher hatten wir als WG auch eine Mitgliedschaft beim Kartoffelkombinat (Solidarische Landwirtschaft) und haben wöchentlich eine Gemüsekiste bekommen - das ließe sich weiterführen und wir ernähren uns generell vegan/vegetarisch und fänden es wichtig, dass du kein (oder nur in Ausnahmefällen) Fleisch isst, bzw. dauerhaft im Kühlschrank ist. Du solltest LGBTQI*-freundlich sein, nicht rassistisch, ein gewisses Toleranz gegenüber den Wünschen anderer haben und Diskriminierung jeder Art reflektieren können und nicht gut finden und ein gewisses Bewusstsein für Nachhaltigkeit haben und dir sollte offene Kommunikation wichtig sein. Rauchen ist in Ordnung, solange der Geruch nicht ins Haus gelangt oder jemand nicht stört.
So far, there were four of us. Swaroop and Leonie are staying, while two people are moving out at the same time. That means it’s almost like a fresh start for our beloved shared house.
Leonie is studying acting and loves being outdoors, staying active, and on the move. You’ll find her barefoot by the Isar, bouldering for hours, or swimming. She loves animals, especially horses, board and card games, and all kinds of house and garden projects. Whether it's a trip to the hardware store or flea market, painting walls, or crocheting curtains - she’s in, as long as theatre and her training/apprenticeship allow it.
Swaroop enjoys hitting the gym or doing other sports after work. In his free time he loves working on his motorcycle, planning his next adventure going to concerts, live music, and riding his motorcycle - no matter the weather. If you join the WG, he’d love to do sports (bouldering, hiking, volleyball…) and trips together, not just by motorcycle.
Professionally, he’s a mechanical engineer & working as a service engineer in the semiconductor industry. Sometimes he has to travel for work, but otherwise, he works from home.
We wish that our future flatmates would be interested in creating a cozy and welcoming home together, taking care of the place, and bringing life to the house and garden. So far, we’ve gone bouldering together, cooking dinner and spontaneous kitchen parties, cleaned and worked on DIY projects side by side, and ended the day with a cozy tea session.
Once you're here, we definitely need to hit up some flea markets because several essential furniture like chairs & other things will disappear with Maxi and Sebie.
To make space for important discussions, we’d like to hold on to our regular house-meetings, whether in the evening or morning, to talk about the good stuff & also address any problems that aren’t always easy to bring up. These conversations can be uncomfortable at times and won’t always be perfect, but it’s important to us that you’re open to them.
Until now, our WG has been part of the Kartoffelkombinat (a community-supported agriculture initiative), receiving a weekly veggie box something we’d love to continue. We eat vegan/vegetarian, so ideally, you too don’t eat meat (or only in rare cases) and don’t store it permanently in the fridge. You should be LGBTQI-friendly*, non-racist, non-discriminating in any form, of course also be not okay with it and be reasonably tolerant to others wishes. You should have a certain awareness of sustainability and value open communication. Smoking is okay unless the smell enters the house or doesn't disturb others.
Once again: We wish that the house is a cozy, loving home that is helped by all those who live there in their way. Be it in the garden or on the balcony by plants, by pictures on the walls or a lot of pleasure in games- film or cooking evenings, or as a good listener*in or joke counter*in. ... that you find something where you like to spend time together, excursions or sports, dance through the living room or just sitting on the couch, with a tea, cocoa, talking or silent. The time and energy for this are sometimes rough and each one needs their retreat, and sometimes you just don't feel so good. But being there for each other in such phases, and not an anonymous place, but a safe place for each other, that would be very nice.
Just write us a message with words to you, what you bring, how you imagine living together, you know, so we can get to know you a bit;)
We look forward to seeing you and your news!
We wish for the house to be a cozy, loving home, shaped in its own way by everyone who lives here. Whether it's through plants in the garden or on the balcony, pictures on the walls, a love for game nights, movie nights, or cooking together, or simply by being a great lister or a joke-teller. The idea is to find something that brings us together—going on trips, doing sports, dancing through the living room, or just on the couch with tea or hot chocolate, talking or sitting in silence.
Time own energy for this can sometimes be scarce, and everyone needs their retreat. Sometimes, you just don’t feel your best. But even in those phases, being there for each other in some way and making this place more than just an anonymous living space—a **safe place** for one another—that would be really wonderful.
Just send us a message with a few words about yourself—what you bring, what you enjoy, how you imagine living together... you know, just so we can get to know you a little. :
We’re looking forward to meeting you and reading your message!
Nochmal lang zusammengefasst: Wir wünschen uns dass das Haus ein gemütliches, liebevolles Zuhause ist, das von allen die dort leben auf ihre Weise mitgestaltet wird. Sei es im Garten oder auf dem Balkon durch Pflanzen, durch Bilder an den Wänden oder besonders viel Lust auf Spiele- Film- oder Kochabende, oder als gute Zuhörer*in oder Witze-Erzähler*in. … Dass man irgendwas findet, wo man zusammen gerne Zeit verbringt, Ausflüge oder Sport macht, tanzen durchs Wohnzimmer oder einfach auf der Couch sitzend, mit nem Tee, Kakao, redend oder schweigend. Die Zeit und Energie dafür sind manchmal rar und jede*r braucht ihren Rückzugsort, und manchmal gehts einem einfach nicht so gut. Aber auch in solchen Phasen irgendwie füreinander da zu sein, und eben kein anonymer Wohnort, sondern ein safe place füreinander zu sein, das wäre sehr schön.
Schreib uns einfach eine Nachricht mit Worten zu dir, was du mitbringst, gerne machst, wie du dir das Zusammenleben vorstellst, du weißt schon, damit wir dich ein bisschen kennenlernen können ;)
Wir freuen uns auch dich und deine Nachrichten!
We wish for the house to be a cozy, loving home, shaped in its own way by everyone who lives here. Whether it's through plants in the garden or on the balcony, pictures on the walls, a love for game nights, movie nights, or cooking together, or simply by being a great listener or a joke-teller. The idea is to find something that brings us together—going on trips, doing sports, dancing through the living room, or just sitting on the couch with tea or hot chocolate, talking or sitting in silence.
Time and energy for this can sometimes be scarce, and everyone needs their own retreat. Sometimes, you just don’t feel your best. But even in those phases, being there for each other in some way and making this place more than just an anonymous living space—a **safe place** for one another—that would be really wonderful.
Just send us a message with a few words about yourself—what you bring, what you enjoy, how you imagine living together… you know, just so we can get to know you a little. :)
We’re looking forward to meeting you and reading your message!
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