Recently moved for work, looking for a comfy space with chill people!

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Flatshare type/s: n.a.
Flatshare details: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: n.a.
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

Hallo, my name is mohammed, i go by mo sometimes.

I’m a 25 yeard old mechatronics engineer and I moved to munich from stuttgart 2 months ago, I’m looking to move out of my current place and into something more suitable to people my age.

I would describe myself as a medium intorvert who loves to talk and learn about new things, but also loves his alone time. I cook often (oven bake frozen food that i like😅), and i game a lot online. I enjoy going to the gym, and other than that, I’m hoping to find a place with a nice group of people and a good location as my office is in Mosach.

I have mild epilepsy, so it’s important that i have a good quality of living space, and to be comfortable in the places I’m staying in.

I visit my twin sister who lives in berlin every now & then, she also visits every few months, so you would probably meet her at some point! (I’m the funnier twin☺️)

And that’s all i can think to say about myself, if you think you have a good match please don’t hesitate to reach out!

I’m not in a rush, but the sooner the better just so i could settle and focus on work and settling into munich since it’s quite hard to make friends and just “be” so far.

Looking forward to chatting!



I cook: n.a.
Smoking is okay: n.a.
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: n.a.
Music: n.a.
Free time: n.a.

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