Male    Search urgently a Wg room

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Herr Wichan (, 37) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Münster (I regularly smoke on the balcony). I speak these language/s: German

Request online: 7 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.03.2025
Flatshare type/s: Non Communal, Male Only, Workers Only, Communal, Mixed Gender, Varied Age, Room for Help, Inclusive, Functional, New flatshare
Flatshare details: any number of people (any gender)
Districts: Amelsbüren, Angelmodde, Berg Fidel, Centrum, Coerde, Geist, Gievenbeck, Hafen, Handorf, Hiltrup, Mauritz, Nienberge, Roxel, Wienburg, Sudmühle
House type: Any
Facilities: Unfurnished, With a kitchen
Other details: Garden, Balcony, Terrace

More information about me

I am Markus 36 years old and will soon start working as a builder.
I drive a lot of bike, play football, darte very much, go fishing.
I am a more relaxed, quieter and partly a more restrained.
I am handcrafted and crafted things very much.
Small repair work in the apartment is not a problem and I solve myself.
It would be best if there were a cellar where you could set up a small workshop or rent a room together.
In my spare time I drive a lot of bike, go very much to the cinema when good movies come, games for 30 years football and will also do it for a few years, go on and off to jogging and if you are two or more people, it's easier to go.
Also play back and forth Xbox, build to distract me like cars together from Lego Technic, in the summer sun I like to be beautiful brown.


I cook: rarely, and reluctantly
Smoking is okay: When people smoke on the balcony
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: Running, Football, Cycling, Table Tennis, Angeln
Music: Elektro, Rock, HipHop, Metal, Rap, Reggae, Techno
Free time: Cinema, Meeting friends, Watching sports, Online games, Music


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