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Liebe Suchende,
da meine jetzige Mitbewohnerin ihre erste eigene Wohnung mit Platz fuer die Familie bezieht, wird ihr Zimmer wieder zum 1. März frei.
Das Südseitenzimmer ist unmöbliert und blickt Richtung ruhigen Innenhof mitsamt Bäumen. Der Grundriss ist fast quadratisch mit der Tür in der Ecke, deshalb ist mehr Platz als ohnehin schon fuer deine Möbel. Ein 140er Bett ohne Matratze, Spiegel und Pflanzen kann ich als Starterkit zur Verfügung stellen. Der Raum hat außerdem Parkett, das macht eine warme Atmosphäre.
Dear room-searching folks,
my flatmate is leaving for an appartment with space for the whole family, so her room - so far without furniture - is free again. The window is heading South to the calm court with some trees. It has nearly a square form and therefor seems even bigger than it already is. The floor is made of wooden panels, creating a warm atmosphere. If needed, I can help with basic furniture like: bed without matress, mirror, carpet, plants.
The multi-family house is located in Maxfeld, an old building district from the founding period and a “good area” with cafés and restaurants (exterior listening distance). The house community is also really helpful and nice. The U3 can be reached in less than 5 minutes. Tram 4 Friedrich-Ebert-Platz is a 10-minute walk away. Shops are from discounter, bookshop to organic in 450-800m. At the end of the road there is a weekly market.
The house is located in the Maxfeld hood, a quiet wealthy quarter mostly consisting of ancient Jewish houses built around the beginning of the 20th century. The metro line no. 3 is under 5 walking minutes away where you cab find cafes and restaurants, too. (Grocery) shopping of different categories takes just 450-800m. Once a week is a market down the road.
Das Mehrfamilienhaus liegt in Maxfeld, einem Altbauviertel aus der Gründerzeit und eine “gute Gegend” mitsamt Cafés und Restaurants (ausser Hörweite). Die Hausgemeinschaft ist auch wirklich hilfsbereit und nett. Die U3 ist in weniger als 5 min erreichbar. Die Tram 4 Friedrich-Ebert-Platz liegt 10min zu Fuß entfernt. Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sind von Discounter, Buchladen bis Bio in 450-800m. Am Ende der Straße gibt es einen Wochenmarkt.
The house is located in the Maxfeld hood, a quiet wealthy quarter mostly consisting of ancient Jewish houses built around the beginning of the 20th century. The metro line no. 3 is under 5 walking minutes away where you cab find cafes and restaurants, too. (Grocery) shopping of different categories takes just 450-800m. Once a week is a market down the road.
The Wg, that would be exactly us. The Wg life is what we want to make of it. What I can imagine: I'm always for Kitchentalk to have a cup of tea or coffee. You can cook together. In addition, I am passionate about languages as well as art and cultures. For example, I have friends from India and Colombia, their cordiality I like very much. Often it attracts me to dance or to nature. We could go to the parks in Nbg or right in the green walk if the balcony is not enough. Maybe you want to grow a bit? Otherwise, a home is also a retreat for everyone to rest and refuel, so I do not expect permanent contact or I can give it. In terms of working technology, I have grown up in industry and have worked in the social sector for several years, so that I am happy to listen to a variety of people and exchange myself.
XXX I would be happy to read a bit of personal from you. I ask you to answer the following questions: why Wg, how long do you like to stay and how do you earn your living (or who comes up for rent?) Now I'm glad to hear from you. Dear Gruss, Annabela
The shared app, this will be the two of us. ;) So, it is what we wanna make out of it. I am always up for kitchen talks (or else where), cooking and tea trinking. Activitywise, I like dancing, am interested in arts, languages and different cultures like the heartwarming way of being friends from India or Columbia are showing. Nature is a go-to as well, we could gobfor walks in the parks around or around even in the rural zones in case the balcony is not quiet green enough. Maybe you like some garding here, too? But first and foremost, every home is a place of rest and detachment, so I do not expect nor to give contact constant. But as I have been working not only in the industry but in the social sector as well, I am curious to get to know and exchange with many kinds of people if wished.
xxx Please, let me know some personal things about you... :) Besides, would you be so kind as to share how long you plan to stay and how you will earn your living (or who else will assure the regular payments)? Happily looking forward to get you to know! Best, Annabela
Die Wg, das wären dann genau wir zwei. ;) Das Wg-Leben ist also, was wir daraus machen wollen. Was ich mir vorstellen kann: Ich bin immer für Kitchentalk, eine Tasse Tee oder Kaffee zu haben. Koche auch gerne mal zusammen. Daneben begeistere ich mich für Sprachen sowie Kunst und Kulturen. Zum Beispiel habe ich Freunde aus Indien und Kolumbien, ihre Herzlichkeit mag ich sehr. Oft zieht es mich auch zum Tanzen oder in die Natur. Wir könnten in den Parks in Nbg oder richtig im Grünen Spazieren gehen, wenn der Balkon nicht ausreicht. Vielleicht hast du auch Lust ein bisschen zu gärtnern? Ansonsten ist ein zu Hause auch ein Rückzugsort für jeden zum Ausruhen und Auftanken, ich erwarte also weder Dauerkontakt noch kann ich das geben. Arbeitstechnisch bin ich in der Industrie groß geworden und habe mehrere Jahre im sozialen Bereich gearbeitet, sodass ich den verschiedensten Menschen gerne zuhören und mich austausche.
XXX Ich würde mich freuen, ein bisschen etwas Persönliches von dir zu lesen. Folgende Fragen bitte ich zu beantworten: warum Wg, wie lange magst du denn bleiben und wie verdienst du deinen Lebensunterhalt (bzw. wer kommt für die Miete auf?) Nun freue ich mich von dir zu hören. Lieben Gruss, Annabela
The shared app, this will be the two of us. ;) So, it is what we wanna make out of it. I am always up for kitchen talks (or else where), cooking and tea trinking. Activitywise, I like dancing, am interested in arts, languages and different cultures like the heartwarming way of being friends from India or Columbia are showing. Nature is a go-to as well, we could gobfor walks in the parks around or around even in the rural zones in case the balcony is not quiet green enough. Maybe you like some garding here, too? But first and foremost, every home is a place of rest and detachment, so I do not expect nor able to give constant contact. But as I have been working not only in the industry but in the social sector as well, I am curious to get to know and exchange with many kinds of people if wished.
xxx Please, let me know some personal things about you… :) Moreover, would you be so kind as to share how long you plan to stay and how you will earn your living (or who else will assure the regular payments)? Happily looking forward to get you to know! Best, Annabela
The landlord would like to meet my roommates before we close a rental contract. Since I have financed the shared rooms, especially the kitchen, on request, only this form of contract makes sense for me.
The landlord (lady) wishes to get to know my room mates. We will arrange a meeting before moving in and signing the “Untermiesvertrag”. This is a subrenting contract used as I have been taking care for the furniture in all the rooms.
Die Vermieterin möchte gerne meine Mitbewohner kennenlernen bevor wir einen Untermietvertrag schliessen. Da ich die geteilten Räume, vor allem die Küche, auf Wunsch allein finanziert habe, macht für mich nur noch diese Vertragsform Sinn.
The landlord (lady) wishes to get to know my room mates. We will arrange a meeting before moving in and signing the „Untermietvertrag“. This is a subrenting contract used as I have been taking care for the furniture in all the shared rooms.