Male    Looking for accommodation close to Cham (Bavaria) as a student.

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Hrishikesh Prasad (, 23) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Regensburg (I sometimes smoke on the balcony). I speak these language/s: English

Request online: 4 days

Search criteria

Date wanted: 15.05.2025 until 01.08.2025
Flatshare type/s: Students Only, Communal, Mixed Gender
Flatshare details: any number of people (any gender)
Districts: Brandlberg-Keilberg, Burgweinting-Harting, Galgenberg, Graß-Oberisling, Innenstadt, Kasernenviertel, Königswiesen-Dechbetten-Großprüfening, Konradsiedlung, Kumpfmühl-Ziegetsdorf, Ostenviertel, Reinhausen, Sallern, Schwabelweis, Stadtamhof, Steinweg, Weichs, Westenviertel, Winzer-Kager, Burgweinting, Hölkering, Konradsiedlung-Wutzlhofen, Kumpfmühl-Ziegetsdorf-Neuprüll, Oberisling, Oberisling-Graß, Sallern-Gallingkofen
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, With a kitchen
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

I am a masters in engineering degree student from India looking for accommodation close to CHAM campus DIT . I am looking for a shared/single apartment that is manageable for a student and is close to any mean of public transportation facilities.


I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke anywhere at the property
I will bring: my cloths and utensils for cooking .


Sport: Gym, Badminton, Cycling, Swimming
Music: House, HipHop, Jazz, Classical, Pop, Rap, Techno
Free time: Travelling, Concerts, Cinema, Bars/Pubs, TV, Festivals, Meeting friends, Online games, Music, Hiking


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