Großes, helles Zimmer / Large, bright room / Grande belle chambre

Ad ID: 4700018


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • room in 4 person apartment share
  • Total size: 132m²
  • 4 person apartment share
  • Non Communal, Students Only, Workers Only
  • Speaking these languages: German, English, Greek, French, Dutch, Russian

Searching for:

  • This room is currently rented out

Further details

Multi family house

3rd floor


Bathtub, Shower

Parquet, Tiles

Green Power

Long distance heating

Many free parking lots

2 minutes by foot

Washing machine, Balcony


Sehr helles Zimmer mit Ausgang zum Balkon in super schöner 132 m2 Wohnung im 3. Obergeschoss, sehr hell, große Fenster, geräumig. Wohnung komplett renoviert, möbliert, Küche/Esszimmer mit Ceranherd, 2 Kühlschränke, Tisch mit Stühlen, neue Waschmaschine. Das Haus ist sehr zentrumsnah, beste Verkehrsverbindungen per Bus und Straßenbahn - 10 Minuten bis absoluter Stadtmitte Sofia, 1 - 2 Haltestellen zur Medizinischen Universität bzw. fußläufig 15 Minuten. Mietdauer - 1 Jahr mit Verlängerungsoption. Sehr geeignet für Studenten der Medizinischen Universität. Kontakt bitte vorerst NUR per Mail mit Angaben über Person, Familie, Herkunftsland, bitte Foto anhängen. Viele Grüße!

Very bright room with exit to the balcony in super beautiful 132 m2 apartment on the 3rd floor, large windows, very spacious. Apartment completely renovated, furnished, kitchen with oven und 2 fridges, new washing machine. The house is very close to the center, excellent transport links by bus and tram - 10 minutes to absolute center of Sofia, 1 - 2 stops to the Medical University or walking distance of 15 minutes. Rental - 1 year with extension option. Great for students of Medical University. Please contact ONLY by email, write details about your person, origin, family, add a photo. Best regards!

Много светла стая с изход към терасата в супер красив апартамент 132 m2 на трети етаж, просторна, големи прозорци, мебелиhfz, кухня c печка и два хладилника, нова перална машина. Кооперацията е в непосредствена близост до центъра, с отлични транспортни връзки с автобус и трамвай - 10 минути до абсолютния център на София, на 1-2 спирки и на пешеходно разстояние от 15 минути до Медицинския университет. Отдаване под наем - 1 година с възможност за удължаване. Моля, свържете се най-напред САМО по електронната поща, като се представите с данни за Вас, Вашето семейство, планове, свързани с продължителността на наемането, приложете и Ваша снимка. Поздрави!

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