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The room is on the second floor and with 7m2 the smallest room in our WG house. It will be free from mid-April as our roommate goes on a hike.
The room currently has no heating, but the installation is planned. Max had a heater in the room, we can take care of a heating possibility for the transition. Although we live at eight, it is very quiet at the top.
We live in a detached house with 3 floors, basement with place to hang up laundry, balcony and a huge garden with bicycle shed. In addition to the kitchen with dining table is the living room with access to our balcony. In the living room there is a folding sofa so you can also stay overnight.
The room is on the second floor and, at 7m2, is the smallest room in our house. It will be available from mid-April, as our flatmate is going on a journey.
The room currently doesn't have heating, but the installation is planned. Max had a heater in the room, and we can arrange for a heating solution for the transition if needed. Even we are eight people living here, it's very quiet.
We live in a single-family house with floor, a basement with space to hang laundry, a balcony, and a large garden with a bike shed. Next to the kitchen with a dining table is the living room with access to our balcony. The living room has a pull-out sofa, so visitors can stay over.
Das Zimmer ist im zweiten Obergeschoss und mit 7m2 das kleinste Zimmer in unserem WG-Haus. Es wird ab Mitte April frei, da unsere Mitbewohnerin auf Wanderschaft geht.
Das Zimmer hat aktuell noch keine Heizung, der Einbau ist aber angedacht. Max hatte einen Heizstrahler im Zimmer, wir können uns für den Übergang gerne wieder um eine Heizmöglichkeit kümmern. Obwohl wir zu acht wohnen, ist es oben sehr ruhig.
Wir wohnen in einem Einfamilienhaus mit 3 Stockwerken, Keller mit Platz zum Wäsche aufhängen, Balkon und einem riesigen Garten mit Fahrradschuppen. Neben der Küche mit Esstisch ist direkt das Wohnzimmer mit Zugang zu unserem Balkon. Im Wohnzimmer gibt es eine ausklappbares Sofa so kann auch gerne mal Besuch übernachten.
The room is on the second floor and, at 7m², is the smallest room in our shared house. It will be available from mid-April, as our flatmate is going on a journey.
The room currently doesn't have heating, but the installation is planned. Max had a heater in the room, and we can arrange for a heating solution for the transition if needed. Even though we are eight people living here, it's very quiet upstairs.
We live in a single-family house with three floors, a basement with space to hang laundry, a balcony, and a large garden with a bike shed. Next to the kitchen with a dining table is the living room with access to our balcony. The living room has a pull-out sofa, so visitors can also stay over.
Der Bahnhof Degerloch ist in 5 Minuten erreichbar und ist Dank U6, U5, U12, U8, der Zahnradbahn zum Marienplatz und Nachtbussen sehr gut angebunden. Zum Schloßplatz sind es 10 und zum Hbf 12 Minuten. Das Haus liegt in einem Wohngebiet, gleich neben der Einkaufsstraße mit sehr vielen Supermärkten, Bäckern und was sonst noch so benötigt wird. Im Umkreis von 10–15 Minuten gibt es verschiedene Wälder, sowie den Fernsehturm und die Waldau an der auch eine Kletterhalle ist. Der Wald dort eigent sich auf super zum Joggen oder Spazierengehen. (: Es kann auch gut durch den Wald in die Stadt gelaufen werden.
The Degerloch train station is reachable in 5 minutes and is very well connected thanks to the U6, U5, U12, U8, the Zacke to Marienplatz, and night buses. It takes 10 minutes to get to Schlossplatz and 12 minutes to the main train station (Hbf). The house is located in a residential area, right next to the shopping street with many supermarkets, bakeries, and everything else you might need. Within a 10–15 minute radius, there are various forests, as well as the TV tower and the Waldau, which also has a climbing hall. The forest there is great for jogging or walking. :) It's also possible to walk through the forest into the city.
We're currently living at eight. We are in different stages of life at the beginning or end of the study/training or at work.
Kitchen, living room and or balcony invite you to eat, learn, craft, cowork, sew or just hang around. We spend a lot of time together here and often have guests.
Guests can also spend a relaxing time in the garden. The latest project is a clay stove. We also have a fire bath tub in which it can be kept relaxed even at cold temperatures at candlelight. In addition, we have managed to pull up some tomato plants, beans, zucchini and more. In the basement we also have a Hobelbank waiting for further construction projects.
For 8 people it is important to make sure that we leave the common spaces and take account of them, as so many people can otherwise get chaotic and uncomfortable. We have 2 refrigerators and 2 separate toilets, which probably helps that it is rarely too full. In addition, we have tried to make our budget as sustainable as possible and it would be nice if future cohabitants would share this interest.
On request we will share our bought and foodsharing lifestyle, a few of us make this now for the most part
We would like to have a cohabitant who likes to live together and not just move back to the room and cook their own sweetheart. Actually, such a small 7m2 room is not so well suited to spend great time;)
And important! We do not tolerate any forms of discrimination and exclusion in our WG and require a tolerant and empathic approach!
We currently live with eight people. We are at different stages of life, either at the beginning or end of studies our, in training, or working.
The kitchen, living room, and balcony invite us to eat together, study, craft, cowork, sew, or simply hang out. We donate a lot of time together here and often have guests over.
In the garden, we can relax and donate time. Our latest project is a clay oven. So we have a fire hot tub, where you can relax outside by candlelight even cold temperatures. Despite the snails, we have managed to grow some tomato plants, beans, zucchini, and more. In the basement, we have a workbench that is waiting for further building projects.
With 8 people, it’s important to be mindful of how we leave the common spaces and to be considerate, as it can quickly get chaotic and uncomfortable with so many people. We have refrigerators and two separate toilets, which probably helps keep things from getting too crowded. Additionally, we have tried to make household our as sustainable as possible, and it would be great if future flatmates share this interest.
On request, we are happy to share our buying and food-sharing groceries, and some of us already do this mostly.
We are looking for flatmates who enjoy communal living and don't just retreat into their room. In fact, seeking a small 7m2 room is not really ideal for spending a lot of time there.
And important! We do not tolerate any forms of discrimination or exclusion in our shared flat and expect a tolerant and empathetic approach to one another!
Wir wohnen zur Zeit zu acht. Wir sind in unterschiedlichen Lebensabschnitten Anfang oder Ende des Studiums/ Ausbildung oder am arbeiten.
Küche, Wohnzimmer und oder Balkon laden dazu ein, hier gemeinsam zu essen, lernen, basteln, coworken, nähen oder einfach rumzuhängen. Wir verbringen hier viel Zeit zusammen und haben häufiger auch mal Gäste da.
Im Garten lässt sich ebenfalls entspannt Zeit verbringen. Neustes Projekt ist ein Lehmofen. Wir haben auch eine Feuerbadewanne, in der es sich auch bei kalten Temperaturen bei Kerzenschein draußen entspannt aushalten lässt. Des Weiteren haben wir es den Schnecken zu Trotz geschafft, ein paar Tomatenpflanzen, Bohnen, Zucchini und mehr aufzuziehen. Im Keller haben wir auch eine Hobelbank, die auf weitere Bauprojekte wartet.
Bei 8 Personen ist es wichtig, darauf zu achten, wie wir die Gemeinschaftsräume hinterlassen und Rücksicht zu nehmen, da es bei so vielen Personen sonst schnell chaotisch und ungemütlich werden kann. Wir haben 2 Kühlschränke und 2 separate Toiletten, was wahrscheinlich dabei hilft, dass es selten mal zu voll ist. Zudem haben wir bisher versucht unseren Haushalt so nachhaltig zu gestalten wie es uns möglich ist und es wäre schön, wenn zukünftige Mitbewohnis dieses Interesse teilen würden.
Auf wunsch teilen wir unsere gekauften und foodsharing Lebensmitttel gerne, ein paar von uns machen das jetzt schon größtenteils
Wir wünschen uns Mitbewohnis, die auf gemeinschaftliches Wohnen Lust haben, und sich nicht nur auf das Zimmer zurückziehen und ein eigenes Süppchen kochen. Eigentlich ist so ein kleines 7m² Zimmer auch gar nicht so gut geeignet, um da super viel Zeit zu verbringen ;)
Und wichtig! Wir tolerieren in unserer WG keinerlei Formen von Diskriminierung und Ausgrenzung und setzen einen toleranten und empathischen Umgang voraus!
We currently live with eight people. We are at different stages of life, either at the beginning or end of our studies, in training, or working.
The kitchen, living room, and balcony invite us to eat together, study, craft, cowork, sew, or simply hang out. We spend a lot of time together here and often have guests over.
In the garden, we can also relax and spend time. Our latest project is a clay oven. We also have a fire hot tub, where you can relax outside by candlelight even in cold temperatures. Despite the snails, we have managed to grow some tomato plants, beans, zucchini, and more. In the basement, we also have a workbench that is waiting for further building projects.
With 8 people, it’s important to be mindful of how we leave the common spaces and to be considerate, as it can quickly get chaotic and uncomfortable with so many people. We have two refrigerators and two separate toilets, which probably helps keep things from getting too crowded. Additionally, we have tried to make our household as sustainable as possible, and it would be great if future flatmates share this interest.
On request, we are happy to share our purchased and food-sharing groceries, and some of us already do this mostly.
We are looking for flatmates who enjoy communal living and don't just retreat into their room. In fact, such a small 7m² room is not really ideal for spending a lot of time there. ;)
And important! We do not tolerate any forms of discrimination or exclusion in our shared flat and expect a tolerant and empathetic approach to one another!
If you can imagine that it could fit with us, we would be happy to hear from you so that we can make a visit soon! Tell us a little bit about you, what you do and how you live together. (:
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If you think that it could be a match, we would be happy to hear from you, so that we can arrange a viewing as soon as possible! Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you are doing and how you imagine living together. (:
Falls du dir vorstellen kannst, dass es mit uns passen könnte, würden wir uns freuen von dir zu hören, damit wir zeitnah eine Besichtigung ausmachen können! Erzähl uns gerne ein bisschen von dir, was du so machst und wie du dir ein Zusammenleben vorstellst. (:
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If you think that it could be a match, we would be happy to hear from you, so that we can arrange a viewing as soon as possible! Tell us a little bit about yourself, what you are doing and how you imagine living together. (: