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The well-cut four rooms apartment with a view of the Rotenberg, with a garden and a garden
The apartment is located at the exit of Unterturkheim, towards Oberturkheim. The house, as well as the garden belonging to the apartment, are located directly on the romantic vineyards of the Rotenberg. These invite you to walk and jog.
The well-cut apartment with EBK is located on the 2nd floor and is free to rent.
The apartment is divided into three about the same size living room, an extended and insulated gallery room, natural light bath including. WC, kitchen and hall with a total of approx. 88 square meters and a basement.
The price for each room is on average 550 Euro warm including all operating costs and the mobilisation as a package, electricity, gas and Internet are shared between the four roommates. The deposit for each room is 1200 Euro.
if you rent the whole apartment, it will be a discount!
The well cut four room apartment with a view of the Rotenberg, with gallery and garden.
The apartment is located at the end of Unterkürkheim, direction Oberkürkheim. The house, as well as the garden belonging to the apartment, are located directly on the romantic vineyards of the Rotenberg.These invite to walking and jogging.
The well cut apartment with kitschen is located on the 2nd floor and is for rent.
The apartment is divided into three approximately equal-sized threats, living room, a developed and integrated gallery room, daylight bathroom incl. toilet, kitchen and hallway with a total of about 88 square meters and a cellar.
The price for each room is on average 550 Euro warm including all the operation cost and the fermentation as a flat rate, electricity, gas and internet will be shared between the four rooms. The deposit for each room is 1200 Euro.
when you rent the whole apartment, they will be discount, thanks!
Die gut geschnittene vier Zimmer Wohnung mit Blick auf den Rotenberg, mit Galarie und Garten
Die Wohnung ist am Ortsausgang von Untertürkheim , Richtung Obertürkheim gelegen. Das Haus , sowie der zur Wohnung gehörende Garten, liegen direkt an den romantischen Weinbergen des Rotenberges.Diese laden zum Spazieren gehen und joggen ein.
Die gut geschnittene Wohnung mit EBK befindet sich im 2. OG und ist frei zu vermieten.
Die Wohnung teilt sich in drei ca. gleichgroße Schlaf- Wohnzimmer, ein ausgebautes und gedämmtes Galeriezimmer, Tageslichtbad inkl. WC , Küche und Flur mit insgesamt ca. 88 qm und ein Keller.
Der Preis für jedes Zimmer beträgt durchschnittlich 550 Euro warm inklusive aller Betriebskosten und die Mobilisierung als Pauschale, Strom, Gas und Internet werden zwischen den vier Mitbewohnern geteilt. Die Kaution für jedes Zimmer beträgt 1200 Euro.
wenn Sie die ganze Wohnung mieten , es wird eine Rabat!
The well cut four room apartment with a view of the Rotenberg, with galery and garden.
The apartment is located at the end of Untertürkheim , direction Obertürkheim. The house, as well as the garden belonging to the apartment, are located directly on the romantic vineyards of the Rotenberg.These invite to Walking and jogging.
The well cut apartment with kitschen is located on the 2nd floor and is for rent.
The apartment is divided into three approximately equal-sized bedrooms, living room , a developed and insulated gallery room, daylight bathroom incl. toilet, kitchen and hallway with a total of about 88 square meters and a cellar.
The price for each room is on average 550 Euro warm including all the operation cost and the furniture as a flat rate, electricity, gas and internet will be shared between the four roommates. The deposit for each room is 1200 Euro.
when you rent the whole apartment, they will be discount, thanks!
Shops as well as bus, metro and S-Bahn are within walking distance, kindergartens, ground and further schools are available in the village. The lower turquoise home and the surrounding area offer, among other things, inspiring dishes, noble wines and many beautiful festivals. The store and the Bauhaus are on the other side. The garden is 80 square meters, from which you can walk directly into the vineyards.
Einkaufsmöglichkeiten sowie Bus, U-Bahn und S-Bahn sind zu Fuß zu erreichen, Kindergärten, Grund und weiterführende Schulen sind im Ort vorhanden. Untertürkheim und Umbegung bieten unter anderem inspirierende Speiselokale , edle Weine und viele schöne Feste. gegenrüber sind das Kaufmarkt und Bauhaus. Eign 80qm großer Garten, von dem aus Sie direkt in die Weinberge spazieren können.
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In all frames are wooden frame windows with insulating glass.
In allen Raümen sind holzrahmenfenster mit Isolierglas.