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Einzug ist ab 01.04.2025 möglich .
Das Zimmer ist 11 m² groß, befindet sich im 1. Stock, hat schönes Tageslicht und einen Einbauschrank in der Wand. Die Lage ist nach hinten zum Garten und damit trotz Lage an der Weinsteige super ruhig. Der Boden ist im Schachbrettmuster.
Move in is possible starting at 04/01.
The room is 11 m², located on the 1st floor, has nice daylight and a built-in closet in the wall. The location is to the rear to the garden and thus super quiet despite location on the Weinsteige. The floor is in a checkerboard pattern.
Unsere Villa (Doppelhaushälfte) liegt am Hang in bester Lage mit Sicht auf Stuttgart Süd und besitzt 4 Etagen, die wir uns zu siebt teilen. Daneben haben wir eine große Terrasse und einen Garten. Das Haus liegt ca. 10 min Fußweg von den Haltestellen Bopser und Weinsteige entfernt, Parkmöglichkeiten gibt es immer direkt vorm Haus. Mit dem Rad rollt man in 5 Minuten direkt ins Zentrum.
Our villa (semi-detached house) is located on the hillside in a prime location with a view of Stuttgart South and has 4 floors, which we share seven. In addition, we have a large terrace and a garden. The house is located about 10 min walk from the stops Bopser and Weinsteige, parking is always available directly in front of the house. By bike you roll in 5 minutes directly into the center.
We are a mixed, partly professional, partly student WG. We like to spend time and parts of our everyday life together: sleepy coffee in the morning or a tired beer in the evening. Sometimes there is also wine and lasagna. We do not (usually) lack creativity, craftsmanship and pleasure in doing, and the house thanks us! We enjoy the weekend and evenings here and there on the garden overlooking the city that is gigantic (at any weather and at any time of day) and remembers how beautiful we actually live. There is a fire place, many terasses and hideouts to be common alley and above all a lot of space. The large house and the garden ask for something care and we are striving to do justice. There is a gathering every 2 weeks, which is very helpful. Sometimes it comes to going out together, dancing, visiting art or cultural events, or wherever it goes.
SAFE(R) SPACE for FLINTA* and GDPOC. We are concerned about a discriminatory living space.
We wish someone who is also a little slanted and willing to live together in a relaxed, common, facing and careful manner. We're not a connection, no purpose WG. If you have the feeling that you're good at us, register and tell us what about you, we'll invite you to casting.
We need a few days and we'll get back to you with an appointment suggestion.
We are a mixed, part professional, part student shared apartment. We like to donate time and parts of our everyday life together: sleepy coffees in the morning or even a tired beer in the evening. Sometimes we have wine and lasagna. We (mostly) don't paint creativity, craftsmanship, and a love of doing things, and the house thanks us! We enjoy weekends and off-hours here and there at the garden overlooking the city, which is gigantic (in any weather and at any time of day) and a reminder of how nice we actually live. There is a fireplace, many terraces and hiding places to be alone together and above all a lot of space. The big house and the garden ask for some care and we try to do justice to it. For this there is a get-together every 2 weeks, which is very helpful. Sometimes it results in going out together, dancing, visiting art or cultural events, or wherever we are drawn to.
SAFE(R) SPACE for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. We care about housing that is sensitive to discrimination.
We want someone who is so a little quirky and has a desire to live together in a relaxed, collaborative, caring way. We are not a sorority, not a purpose-built shared apartment. If you feel that you are a good fit for us, then get in touch and brief tell us something about yourself, we will then invite you to the casting.
We need a few days and then get back to you with a date proposal.
Wir sind eine gemischte, teils Berufstätigen-, teils Studierenden-WG. Wir verbringen gerne Zeit und Teile unseres Alltags gemeinsam: Verschlafene Kaffees am Morgen oder auch ein müdes Bier am Abend. Manchmal gibt es auch Wein und Lasagne. An Kreativität, Handwerk und Lust am Tun fehlt es uns (meistens) nicht und das Haus dankt es uns! Wir genießen das Wochenende und Feierabende hier und da am Garten mit Blick auf die Stadt, der gigantisch ist (bei jedem Wetter und zu jeder Tageszeit) und daran erinnert, wie schön wir eigentlich wohnen. Es gibt eine Feuerstelle, viele Terassen und Verstecke zum Gemeinsam-Allein sein und vor allem ganz viel Platz. Das große Haus und der Garten fragen nach etwas Pflege und wir sind bemüht, dem gerecht zu werden. Dafür gibt es alle 2 Wochen ein Zusammenkommen, was sehr hilfreich ist. Manchmal ergibt es sich, gemeinsam auszugehen, zu tanzen, Kunst- oder Kulturveranstaltungen zu besuchen, oder wo auch immer es uns hinzieht.
SAFE(R) SPACE für FLINTA* und BIPOC. Wir sorgen uns um einen diskriminierungssensiblen Wohnraum.
Wir wünschen uns jemanden, der auch ein wenig schräg ist und Lust auf ein entspanntes, gemeinsames, zugewandtes und sorgsames Zusammenleben hat. Wir sind keine Verbindung, keine Zweck-WG. Wenn du das Gefühl hast, dass du gut zu uns passt, dann melde dich und erzähl kurz was von dir, wir laden dich dann zum Casting ein.
Wir brauchen ein paar Tage und melden uns dann bei euch mit einem Terminvorschlag zurück.
We are a mixed, part professional, part student shared apartment. We like to spend time and parts of our everyday life together: sleepy coffees in the morning or even a tired beer in the evening. Sometimes we have wine and lasagna. We (mostly) don't lack creativity, craftsmanship, and a love of doing things, and the house thanks us! We enjoy weekends and off-hours here and there at the garden overlooking the city, which is gigantic (in any weather and at any time of day) and a reminder of how nice we actually live. There is a fireplace, many terraces and hiding places to be alone together and above all a lot of space. The big house and the garden ask for some care and we try to do justice to it. For this there is a get-together every 2 weeks, which is very helpful. Sometimes it results in going out together, dancing, visiting art or cultural events, or wherever we are drawn to.
SAFE(R) SPACE for LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC. We care about housing that is sensitive to discrimination.
We want someone who is also a little quirky and has a desire to live together in a relaxed, collaborative, caring way. We are not a sorority, not a purpose-built shared apartment. If you feel that you are a good fit for us, then get in touch and briefly tell us something about yourself, we will then invite you to the casting.
We need a few days and then get back to you with a date proposal.
Das Haus ist in einem charmant-marodem Zustand, die Miete ist aber dafür ganz ok und wir können eigentlich machen was wir wollen. Im Garten werden gerade erste Gärtnerversuche. Wir haben auch 1 1/2 Gästezimmer und über regen Besuch freuen wir uns.
The house is in a charming, ramshackle condition, but the rent is quite ok and we can actually do what we want. This is very practical, especially for freedom. In the garden are just started first gardening attempts. We also have 1 1/2 guest rooms and we are happy about active visitors.