MaleSearching for a flatmate of either gender WG Zimmer in Wang

Ad ID: 11879565


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Flatshare details

The Flatshare:

  • 25m² room in 2 person apartment share
  • Total size: 100m²
  • 2 person apartment share ( 1 Male )
  • Age: 60 years and younger
  • Smoking allowed on balcony
  • New flatshare
  • Speaking these languages: German, English, Turkish

Searching for:

  • any gender

Further details

Old building

2nd floor

Own parking lot

10 minutes by foot



Hallo ,

Ich biete in Wang ein Zimmer WG Wohnung ist schon möbliert eine Bett mit Matratze ein große und zwei kleine Couch ein Tisch TV Schrank Kleidung Schrank und eine kleine Kühlschrank Zimmer ist ungefähr 25 Quadratmeter mit Balkon, Balkon ist auch Gemeinschaft mit Nachbarn wie toilet,bad und Küche in Bad gibt's zwei Waschbecken.

Miete : 540€ Warm
Kaution : 1080€

Hello ,

I am offering a room in a shared apartment in Wang that is already furnished, a bed with mattress, a large and two small couches, a table, TV cabinet, clothing cabinet and a small refrigerator. Room is about 25 square meters with a balcony, balcony is also shared with neighbors such as toilet, bathroom and kitchen in the bathroom there are two sinks.

Rent: 540€ warm
Deposit: 1080€

Merhaba ,

Wang'da halihazırda mobilyalı bir ortak dairede bir oda, bir yatak, bir büyük ve iki küçük kanepe, bir masa, TV dolabı, kıyafet dolabı ve küçük bir buzdolabı sunuyorum. Oda yaklaşık 25 metrekare olup balkonu vardır, balkonu ayrıca tuvalet, banyo ve mutfak gibi komşularla paylaşılmaktadır. Banyoda iki lavabo bulunmaktadır.

Kira: 540€ sıcak
Depozito: 1080€

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