Male    Suche coole WG ab Juni


Gregor K. (, 24) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Wien (I am a non-smoker).

Request online: 21 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 15.05.2025
Flatshare type/s: Any
Flatshare details: n.a.
Districts: 01. Bezirk Innere Stadt, 02. Bezirk Leopoldstadt, 03. Bezirk Landstraße, 04. Bezirk Wieden, 05. Bezirk Margareten, 06. Bezirk Mariahilf, 07. Bezirk Neubau, 08. Bezirk Josefstadt, 09. Bezirk Alsergrund, 11. Bezirk Simmering, 12. Bezirk Meidling, 14. Bezirk Penzing, 16. Bezirk Ottakring
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

Hello Vienna!
I am looking for a new WG from May/June in a central location in Vienna. The draw-in date is still very flexible, so it is likely to be later.

Since autumn 2024 I have been living in Vienna and studying theatre, film and media science at the University of Vienna. I also work as an editor at a local newspaper :) Otherwise, I am a lot with friends on all kinds of events, in the theatre and in concerts. Now it is so that my WG dissolves and I am looking for a new stay.

In my spare time I like to make music, go to the cinema, read a lot, and fight hard for the annual election to the bird of the year 🐦

I am especially looking forward to the roommates who want to do something together! Be it together, cook a game night, wine tasting, and so on 😃

I bring with: a small beamer, an e-piano (no worry, with headphones), funny cups.
Nice to meet you!

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I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke on the balcony
I will bring: n.a.


Sport: Gym, Football, Swimming, Table Tennis
Music: Funk, Indie, Classical, Pop
Free time: Travelling, Concerts, Reading, Cinema, Bars/Pubs, Clubbing, Festivals, Meeting friends, Art, Music, Making music


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