Female     Search WG with heart, brain and community spirit


Zoe (, 25) is searching for a room in an apartment share in Wien (I am a non-smoker).

Request online: 19 hours

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 05.03.2025
Flatshare type/s: Communal
Flatshare details: More than 3 people
Districts: 01. Bezirk Innere Stadt, 06. Bezirk Mariahilf, 07. Bezirk Neubau, 08. Bezirk Josefstadt, 09. Bezirk Alsergrund, 16. Bezirk Ottakring, 17. Bezirk Hernals, 18. Bezirk Währing, 20. Bezirk Brigittenau
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

Hey you, I'm Zoe (she/her), 25, and after a practical semester at Allgäu back in Vienna. Now I'm looking for a home that's more than just a place to sleep – a WG where you meet, exchange, eat together, eat something spontaneously or catch up at the end of the day. A common relationship is important to me, but also to the space for retreat and individual needs.

I wish for a respectful, respectful coexistence in which the value of openness, solidarity and non-discriminatory coexistence is placed. Diversity and individuality are enriched – for racism, sexism, anti-Semitism or other things there is no place here.

I like to be tidy without being overcrowded, love being in nature, am adventurous and like to move – be it dancing, hiking, volleyball, cycling, yoga or swimming (on the Danube Island). From time to time, a creative project also grabs me, such as from old clothes to rewrite something new together or make jewelry from worn metals.
I'm studying psychology in the master and I'll probably get back to the gastro soon.

I am very looking forward to a solidarity community where you feel at home – with an open, esteeming coexistence, perhaps even a common demo and/or dumpster tour! Much more important than all this, however, is simply a loving, mindful environment in which one can respect one another and feel comfortable.

Please write to me:)

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I cook: several times a week
Smoking is okay: When people smoke anywhere at the property
I will bring: Unternehmungslust und Ehrlichkeit. Ein offenes, einfühlsames Ohr, für alles was gerade ansteht oder man sich von der Seele reden mag. Offenheit für neues und Lust euch kennenzulernen
uuuund eine Kaffeemaschine, eine Töpferscheibe und zwei Nähmaschinen ;)


Sport: Snowboarding, Running, Beach Volleyball, Climbing, Cycling, Swimming, Skiing, Dancing, Table Tennis, Wandern, in den Bergen sein
Music: Funk, Jazz, Punkrock
Free time: Travelling, Concerts, Reading, Bars/Pubs, Festivals, Meeting friends, Art, Music, Singing, Hiking, Yoga


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