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Hello ,
I'm a Creative Director and Data Analyst, and I travel frequently for work.
I'm traveling soon to England and then to Japan, and I will be back to Berlin in Jan.
NOTE: Unfortunately, I can't offer registration (Anmeldung) and it will be hard to extend because I live there, but we can negotiate something if you need a little more time. I just want someone to take care of my apartment while I am away. Maybe it is good for you until you find something more permanent?
My apartment is in Charlottenburg, Knobelsdorffstraße. Very close to the Ring (10 minutes walk from S Westend & S Messe Nord/ICC and 5 minutes walk from U2 Kaiserdamm)
REWE, Lidl and Netto are around the corner, literally!
The apartment is 54m2, two rooms, furnished, bathroom and kitchen with dish washer, washing machine and dryer.
My rent is 1047 EUR warm (including electricity and internet).
Plenty of storage space because I moved most of my stuff to a storage room.
I'm happy to show the apartment in-person if this works for you :)