1/2 Zimmer-Wohnung in Bielefeld und Umgebung zur Unter- / Kurzmiete gesucht

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Number of rooms: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

As a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) scholarship recipient, I will be undertaking a short-term visiting professorship at the Department of History at Bielefeld University.

I previously lived in Basel during 2016-17, but my German is still at a basic level. However, I have many friends and colleagues in Germany.

During my stay, I plan to spend most of my time either at the university or traveling. For three weeks starting in late September, my wife will join me, but we will mostly be outside of Bielefeld.

A bit about me: I am friendly, calm, and a little bit nerdy—I enjoy reading books and prefer a quiet environment over parties.

I would be happy to consider any kind offers!

Feel free to speak to me in German.

Sie können mich gerne auf Deutsch ansprechen!

Danke im Voraus!

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