Looking for flat or apartment that would accommodate four people (Students in University of Bremen)


Kistna Natha Chennu (, 22) is searching for a Flat in Bremen (I am a non-smoker). I speak these language/s: English

Request online: 15.01.2025

Search criteria

Date wanted: From 01.04.2025
Number of rooms: 2 - 3
Districts: Alte Neustadt, Altstadt, Arbergen, Arsten, Aumund-Hammersbeck, Bahnhofsvorstadt, Barkhof, Blockdiek, Blockland, Blumenthal, Borgfeld, Buntentor, Burgdamm, Bürgerpark, Bürgerweide/Barkhof, Burg-Grambke, Ellener Feld, Ellenerbrok-Schevemoor, Fähr-Lobbendorf, Farge, Fesenfeld, Findorff-Bürgerweide, Gartenstadt Süd, Gartenstadt Vahr, Gete, Grohn, Grolland, Gröpelingen, Habenhausen, Handelshäfen, Hastedt, Hemelingen, Hohentor, Hohentorshafen, Hohweg, Horn, Huckelriede, Hulsberg, In den Hufen, In den Wischen, Industriehäfen, Kattenesch, Kattenturm, Kirchhuchting, Lehe, Lehesterdeich, Lesum, Lindenhof, Lüssum-Bockhorn, Mahndorf, Mittelshuchting, Neu Schwachhausen, Neue Vahr Nord, Neue Vahr Südost, Neue Vahr Südwest, Neuenland, Neustadt, Neustädter Hafen, Oberneuland, Ohlenhof, Oslebshausen, Osterfeuerberg, Osterholz, Ostertor, Peterswerder, Rablinghausen, Radio Bremen, Regensburger Str., Rekum, Riensberg, Rönnebeck, Schönebeck, Schwachhausen, Sebaldsbrück, Seehausen, Sodenmatt, St Magnus, Steffensweg, Steintor, Strom, Südervorstadt, Tenever, Utbremen, Vegesack, Walle, Weidedamm, Werderland, Westend, Woltmershausen
House type: Any
Facilities: Furnished, Unfurnished, With a kitchen
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

I'm Kistna, a 22-year-old from Andhra Pradesh, India. I've been admitted to the Control, Microsystems, and Microelectronics course at the University of Bremen and am looking for long-term accommodation in Bremen along with three of my friends from same university.

Budget: Approximately 1200 euros (flexible based on accommodation options)


A flat or apartment that can accommodate four people.
We are open to varying rent costs depending on the available amenities and location.
About Us:

We are all easy-going, friendly, and enthusiastic about exploring new places.
Non-smokers and non-drinkers.
Arrival Date: 1st of April

We would greatly appreciate any assistance or suggestions regarding suitable accommodations.

Thank you very much!

Best regards,
Kistnanatha Chennu


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