Ich suche langfristig eine möblierte Wohnung in Heide

I am not currently looking to rent a room or property.

Date wanted: n.a.
Number of rooms: n.a.
Districts: n.a.
House type: Any
Facilities: n.a.
Other details: n.a.

More information about me

My name is Natella, I am 39 years old and I would like to rent a furnished apartment for a long period of time in Heide. I live in Berlin, but I have to move to Heide for professional reasons as I am working on a construction project for a longer period of time.

I would also like to point out that I have no children, no pets and I do not smoke. I would be happy to discuss the rental conditions and learn more about the possibilities of a rental agreement.

In additional, I am allergic to cats.

Look forward to the offer

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