Searching for an apartment for a nice Erasmus Student

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: n.d.
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí


My name is David, I am from Spain and I am moving there by the end of September to complete my degree, which is Telecommunication Engineering writing the Master Thesis in Aachen as an Erasmus Student. For that reason I am looking for a suitable apartment so that I can live over there during my stay in Aachen, which I suppose it will be until June. Nevertheless, if the period of time I can be using the apartment is less I won,t mind to search for a flat when I live over there, at last.

Herewith I would like to give a brief description of myself. I have been living by my own for five years so I have a great sense of responsability and cleanliness. You can make sure that you won,t have to worry about anything with me using your apartment. Although nowadays I am not able to keep a conversation in German I manage very well with the English and I am learning German at the moment. I will take some clases there, in Aachen, whereas I write the Master Thesis, of course. I hope to improve my language skills significantly 

Finally, I would like to know if the flat is completely furnished or I would have to acquire part of the furniture by myself. Please, if you want to know whatever about me, do not hesítate to contact me for further questions or whatever. And if we know we can arrange and appointment, we could talk by skype to know each other or whatever because I can not travel to Aachen until the last week of Septemner due to work issues.

Have a good day and thank you for your time

Kind regards


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