22 Square meter / Large Beautiful Room / Lots of Sun / Close to Ostkreuz and River

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Datos del inmueble

Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta

Amueblado, Amueblado parcialmente

Bañera, Ducha


Calefacción central

7 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Balcón, Garaje para bicicletas




70 square meter shared flat. 22 square meter room furnished with high ceilings and lots of light, shared in a beautiful apartment with balcony. Furniture can be re-arranged upon request.

Quiet and clean hidden gem in Berlin neighbourhood.

Share with 1 professional self employed female flatmate in a charming WG.
There are 2 small rooms in the back. One is my home office and one is my bedroom. I have an external office that I work in during the weekdays and I travel often for work. Music welcome :)

8 minutes walk to S-Bahn Rummelsburg / 7 minutes walk to S-Bahn Nöldnerplatz, / 12 minute walk to S-Bahn Ostkreuz stops. 15 minute walk to Rummelsburger Spree.

Kaufland 8 Minuten zu Fuß
Netto 11 Minuten zu Fuß
Friedrichshain 10 Minuten zu Fuß

**** Searching for 1 new flatmate, not 2 or 3 ***
No parties, no smoking inside, smoking on the balcony only

Documentos necesarios

Dossier de Candidatura Dossier de Candidatura itsmydata itsmydata o SCHUFA SCHUFA Passport/ID Passport/ID Justificante de ingresos Justificante de ingresos
Seguro de contenido del hogar Seguro de contenido del hogar
Seguro de responsabilidad Seguro de responsabilidad
Seguro de pérdida de alquiler Seguro de pérdida de alquiler

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