Long term flat in Prenzlauer Berg available from Oct 13th

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Edificio antiguo saneado

2. Planta alta


Cocina propia

Baño propio, Ducha

Calefacción central

Buenos espacios para estacionar

9 minutos caminando

Lavadora, Lavaplatos, Balcón, Uso compartido del jardín, Sótano


I'm leaving my flat and looking for someone to take over the contract long term.

It's available from October 13th as a long term contract. With Anmeldung.

Neighborhood of Prenzlauer Berg
- 3-min walking from a big Rewe supermarket, Lidl at 10-min walk
- drug store in the corner
- vegan, italian and georgian restaurants at the doorstep
- Saturday food and flea market in the corner
- various gym (incl. John Reed) and ioga spaces within 5-min walk
- Mauerpark at 10-min walk
- 9-min walk from Schönhauser Arcade shopping mall and Schönhauser Allee station (U2, Tram 1, S41, S42, S8, etc)

36m renovated flat in the 2nd floor with big windows and a balcony facing the internal garden. Fully furnished with: queen size bed (+ linens and towels), wardrobe, sofa, table, working chair, all kitchen utilities (oven, dishwasher, big refrigerator, washing machine).

The flat is preferred for one person, couples could be considered upon rent negotiation.
Unfortunately, no pets are allowed.

The building is cleaned every week, mostly international neighbors. The flat is very quiet and cozy, and everything needed upon a short walk.

$1.300 with all bills included (warm)

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