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This is an apartment provided by Studentenwerk at Marie Curie Str. 1, Garbsen. Monthly rent is 390 euros. This apartment has 1 room, 1 bathroom, a small kitchen, fully furnished with bed, table, chair, cupboard. There's a lot of space for keeping your things. Area: 20 square meters.
Since I'm leaving, it'll be available from January 1, 2021.
If you're already registered here https://tl1host.eu/SWH/#admission you can even have a contract for max. 36 months depending upon Studentenwerk rules.
This is a modern apartment complex and very clean.
Nearest U Bahn is Schonebecker Allee and nearest bus stop is less than 500m away.
There's North West Zentrum, Real, dm, Shopping Plaza, Mueller nearby for all the shopping and groceries.
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