femenino     A 31-year-old woman was looking for a room within 10 km of Jena city center starting in October Email:linshen1017@gmail.com

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Ms/Mrs Sen (, 31) Buscando Estudio en Jena (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés, Español Español, Italiano Italiano, Francés Francés, Danés Danés, Ruso Ruso, Chino Chino, Polaco Polaco, Portugués Portugués, Griego Griego

Solicitud en línea: 11.08.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 01.10.2024
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, No amueblado, Cocina disponible
Otro: Jardín, Balcón, Terraza, Parqueadero, Lavaplatos, Ascensor

Más datos acerca de mí

Hello, you can call me Forest. I am a doctoral student, 31 years old, single, no pets, no alcohol. I have good living habits, can do housework, clean the kitchen, tidy up the room, and habitually keep the room clean. I am an emotionally stable person, usually very quiet, I don't have a party at home, I have strong hands-on ability, and can do many things by myself, such as repairing computers, mobile phones, bicycles, etc. I am pet-friendly, child-friendly, and elderly-friendly, and I cook for myself on a daily basis. I am not good at sports, but for health reasons, I will actively participate in various sports. Recently, I like cycling the most, and I am not a professional cyclist. I like cycling and hate running, I like playing badminton and table tennis and hate running, I like yoga and hate running, I like swimming and hate running. In short, I am interested in trying all kinds of sports, but I hate running very much. I am looking for peaceful communities, different nationalities, different personalities, different culture are fine, but I hope that our attitudes towards life are activity, such as loving cleanliness and tidiness, and being able to jointly care for and maintain the facilities in the area. It would be even better if the room can be furnished, such as beds, wardrobe, wireless internet, fully equipped kitchens, etc. Finally, I hope to find a LGBTQ Community, i'd like to expand my social circles so that I can make friends. Of course, normal communities are also fine, and I can also be a friendly neighbor.


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