masculino    A geographer researcher (explorer) looking for a room in WG (international)


Shuang Song (, 27) Buscando Estudio en Jena (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán Alemán, Chino Chino, Inglés Inglés, Español Español

Solicitud en línea: 9 horas

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 01.10.2024
Barrios: egal
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado
Otro: Se permiten mascotas

Más datos acerca de mí

Hello there!

My name is Shuang Song. I’m 27 years old and a geographer (scientist). I will start a postdoctoral position at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology on 1st October. I’ll be arriving in Jena on the evening of September 26th, hoping to officially move in around October 1st (with some flexibility, give or take a week). I plan to stay at least until the end of the year, but if everything goes well, I’m also open to signing a long-term contract (over a year).

A little about me:
I recently earned my PhD in Geography in 2023, and I’m about to start collaborating with a supervisor in archaeology for my research. I’ve had the opportunity to travel quite a bit, visiting places like the U.S., Italy, Spain, Austria, Slovakia, South America, and nearly every province in mainland China. During my travels, I’ve lived in a WG (shared flat) in South America for three months, so I’m familiar with living in shared spaces and enjoy friendly interactions without any pressure. 😊

I’m also a pretty decent cook, particularly with Chinese cuisine, and if the kitchen setup allows, I’d be happy to cook for my flatmates a couple of times a week! As for hobbies, I enjoy hiking, spending time outdoors, and playing board games and bridge (I once placed eighth in a national bridge competition!).

What I’m looking for in a flat and flatmates:


- The address must allow for official registration (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung), which is essential for me as an international resident.

- Nothing major, but dishonesty, drug use, or overly open sexual behavior are not acceptable.

Preferably avoided:

- I’m okay with occasional parties and would join in, but frequent parties aren’t quite suited to my current lifestyle. Twice a week would be my limit.
- If anyone smokes, it would be great if that was limited to personal spaces like a bedroom or balcony rather than shared areas like the kitchen or bathroom.
- I don’t mind if flatmates borrow things, but a quick heads-up would be appreciated!

Would be nice:

- Language exchange! I’m fluent in English and am learning German and Spanish. I’d love to practice German and exchange languages with flatmates.
- Pets are welcome! I won't have any myself, but I’d be happy to live with flatmates who have pets, and I’d enjoy interacting with them.

Thanks for your interest. You can reach me by:
SMS: +86 (ver información de contacto)
Email: MAIL
Ins: SongshGeo


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