masculino    apartment renting request


Jiacheng Gong (, 25) Buscando Estudio en Mainz (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán, Inglés, Chino

Solicitud en línea: 12.12.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: desde 12.12.2024
Barrios: Bretzenheim, Drais, Ebersheim, Finthen, Gonsenheim, Hechtsheim, Laubenheim, Lerchenberg, Mainz, Marienborn, Mombach, Weisenau, Hartenberg/Münchfeld, Layenhof, Altstadt, Neustadt, Oberstadt
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado
Otro: n.a.

Documentos disponibles

Passport/ID Passport/ID
Justificante de ingresos Justificante de ingresos
Seguro de responsabilidad Seguro de responsabilidad

Más datos acerca de mí


My name is Jiacheng Gong. Jiacheng is my first name. I'm male and 25-years old, a Chinese.

I'm the PhD student in Max Plank institue for polymer research (MPIP), living in K3 guest room on Lucy-Hillebrand-Strasse 4, with no smoke and pet either.

The K3 guest room is somewhat expensive and has a maximum stay duration of 90 days. Thus, I am looking for renting, and want to ask whether this apartment is still available now?

I have steady incomes and will rent for long time if the apartment is suitable.

I'm tidy, quiet and clean. I really like your apartment! I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Best wishes!
Jiacheng Gong


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