femenino     Looking for small apartment for me and a cat

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Evgeniia Surnina (, 36) Buscando Estudio en Potsdam (No fumo). Hablo estos idiomas: Alemán Alemán, Inglés Inglés

Solicitud en línea: 11.09.2024

Criterios de búsqueda

Periodo: 23.09.2024 hasta 27.10.2024
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Cualquiera
Instalaciones: Amueblado, Cocina disponible
Otro: Se permiten mascotas

Más datos acerca de mí

Hi everyone,

my name is Evgenia and I have a 4 years old cat Nikson, we live in Berlin Friedrichshain. Unfortunatly Nikson is sick for 1 year, we tried different vets in Berlin, but nothing helps. We found the Vet in Potsdam (Babelsberg) where we can try specific procedure, it takes 5 days from 23rd till 27th September. During that time we'll have to go to Vet twice per day. Driving from Berlin is super stressful, that's why we are looking for a small appartment for that time.

We are both very clean, Nikson mostly sits in his cave, doesn't destroy furniture and only use his toilet. Of course, I'll clean everything after the time we stay.


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