One room apartment Würzburg

Número del anuncio: 9924761


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Edificio antiguo

1. Planta alta

Parqueadero para residentes

1 minuto caminando


The apartment is located in beautiful Randersacker. Everywhere you turn, the view is incredible. There is a good transport connection to Würzburg center. There are beautiful paths for walking and in the morning, the smell and sounds are incredible. It is like living in a virtual postcard and if like me, you love living outside the city but close enough, this is perfect. By bus, Würzburg city center is only 10 to 12 minutes away. There are also Edeka and Penny Close by. Great biking and hiking trails, good restaurants, bakeries, a doner place, etc.

The house is on the first floor, has a bedroom and another room that also has the kitchen. There are two other apartments but, the neighbours are easy to live with. The landlady is also not difficult and lives elsewhere.

The house has parking facility for you if interested. I have paid 92 euros for electricity and heating and 50 euros for the Internet which is where the 142 euros apart from rent come from.

There is the possibility to transfer some furniture and the washing machine if you are interested.

I am open to answer your questions and look forward to your enquiries. My landlady prefers a female but, she is open to others.

1 Anuncios publicitarios