Spacious one bedroom Apartment Available for rent in Rome

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Edificio antiguo saneado

1. Planta alta

Cocina propia

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Parqueadero para residentes


ONE Bedroom in the heart of Rome. The space is part of a big, lovely, classy and fun apartment located in the best part of the city: Trastevere.

The Neighborhood

Elettronica Viva, lived in Via della Luce. Sergio Leone, the director of many Spaghetti Western movies, grew up in Viale Glorioso (where the house is) there is a marble plaque to his memory on the wall of the apartment building. Ennio Morricone, the film music composer, went to the same school, and for one year he attended the same classes as Sergio Leone did.

Getting Around

The neighbourhood is in the very city center. It's walking distance to all the main landmarks and attractions. Surrounded by bars and restaurants that serve the best food in the country. Even though there are buses and trams you can catch to get from A to B, we truly recommend walking while admiring beauty, art and history. Apartment is well furnished and fully decorated with alot of house kitchen equipment.are you still searching contact me now.

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