**RESERVIERT** Small ground floor apartment in Weststadt

Número del anuncio: 11648944


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8 minutos caminando


Nebenkosten I paid for 2024:
- Strom: €37 per month
- Wasser: €26 per month (€268 per year)
- Müll: €13 per month (€158 per year)
- Rundfunk: €18 per month

The landlords are a nice and respectful retired couple in their 60s, they own and live above the apartment but the space downstairs is completely yours, you have your own door and the garden area is in front of the apartment which you can also use, the landlord sometimes comes to the shed for tools but other that that it is completely yours. There is a door which leads to a shared area where the washing machines are located for the whole house, but you have a key to lock that door if you so wish.

For a total fee of €350 I would like to leave all of the existing equipment listed below. When applying, please mention which items you would be interested in taking over. Images of the equipment can be sent or seen in the photos:
- Refrigerator (must take)
- Washing machine (must take)
- Microwave
- Sofa
- Bed frame
- Mattress (2 years old)
- Small kitchen table and chairs
- Office table
- 4x4 ikea shelf rack
Also on offer:
- toaster, iron, plates and cutlery, fan, washing stand

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