Need to move for a study purposes from NYC to Wismar for 1 year

Actualmente no estoy buscando un nuevo piso compartido o apartamento

Periodo: n.d.
Barrios: n.d.
Tipo de casa: Edificio nuevo
Instalaciones: n.d.
Otro: n.d.

Más datos acerca de mí

My name’s Amer, I’m 25(m), originally from NYC, though lovin’ the life here, as well as my job as a designer and NYC landmarks specialist in Brooklyn. I went to school in Brooklyn, for Architecture Technology.
I like going out and exploring. I’ll likely be hanging round the apt only 2ish nites a week m’self as I’m fairly busy as well as sporadically on weekends. Ideally, it’d be great if we could be great.
Personality-wise, I’m real easy going, a bit sarcastic at times, and know what’s needed in being a good roommate(ie, I won’t drink your last coke and I know how to buy the all-important tp). I’m neither a clean freak nor a slob and while my room may alternate between whirlwind and organized, I totally respect the common areas and keep them fairly neat( for full disclosure purposes,I may leave a book or jacket lying around occasionally if I’m in rush.
So a random people won’t be hanging around…I have good credit and, a stable job….well, i suppose if you have other questions please feel free to ask. If you think this might work, i’d love discuss more about that.


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